Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Blowing In to Wednesday


I brought one of the pretty iris from this patch into the house this morning to live out the rest of its life in a vase. 

The wind blew it over, stalk and all. 

We had some major wind yesterday afternoon and overnight.  It's calmed down a little, and I hope it takes a break. 

The yard is pretty messy this morning, but the iris does add a little beauty to the kitchen island. 

Along with the wind, we had some beautiful, billowy clouds floating over yesterday afternoon, and it has cooled off a bit. 

Sorry to hear that the wild fires have already begun in the area.  One was threatening nearby homes yesterday near Spokane. 

I hope all the predictions for a bad fire year are wrong.  For now, it seems like an early start for the season. 

In other news, Tony, the wizard, came out and tuned up my zero-turn mower yesterday.  While he was here, we talked  a lot about the same subject many folks I know discuss these days:  body aches and pains and how to manage them. 

Both of us suffer from leg cramps.  I've been eating my bananas and trying some electrolytes on hot days. 

Tony has a pill he sticks under his tongue when his cramps come on and won't let go. 

Besides my leg cramps at night (which have been much better lately, thanks to the bananas), my hands often cramp up, usually after a few hours of mowing and holding on to the lawnmower bars. 

Of course, I think I'm weird cuz I don't often see anyone else with hand cramps.  

BUT wait?

This morning I saw a video where Taylor Swift had to stop in mid-song at a concert in Edinburgh because of a hand cramp.  

As the professional she is, Taylor handled (no pun) the situation with grace and humor. 

After seeing that and listening to a doctor talk about the situation, I feel like I'm among friends if Taylor has her hand cramps. 

The doctor below talks about what people should do to avoid cramping. 

I've also included some other videos below today after seeing America's Got Talent last night and feeling the total "WOW" while watching a lady dance with her Border Collie.

We never cease to be amazed at Border Collie talent and their intelligence and ability to sense what's on or mind and where we're headed in the next minute.  

So, I'll leave you with the photos from around the place and with three videos showing Border Collies performing in other venues beside sheep ranches or herding contests. 

They are truly amazing dogs. 

Happy Wednesday. 

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