Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fun with Family

It was easy to think about past history yesterday when we pointed our vehicles, loaded with dogs and peeps toward Montana.

Back in the good ol' days of the past, my immediate family would go on short road trips across the Montana border quite often.  

Sometimes our dad Harold would take us down back roads so dicey that my mother would gasp and cringe as she emphatically wondered out loud if we were ever going to get out of there. 

On this Fathers' Day, it's fun to reminisce about Harold and equally easy to admire my husband of 50 years plus one day for the wonderful father he is to his kids. 

Bill led the suggestions yesterday for what we ought to do to celebrate our actual 50th anniversary.  We had planned to take a boat trip on the lake, but Mother Nature had a say in that, bringing forth a storm that diminished all plans to be on the lake. 

It was so intense with punishing winds and rains and lightning strikes for a couple of minutes here at the Lovestead that I stood at the sliding glass door and watched a huge limb jab itself into the lawn just a few feet away. 

So, having dogs and peeps in the cars and driving a few Montana roads with our ultimate destination of looping back to the Ice House Pizzeria in Hope seemed like the best idea. 

It's a toss-up of whether the peeps or the dogs had the most fun, but I'm guessing that an interview with the pups about how much fun they had yesterday would elicit some happy barks. 

Except for little Foster, who adjusts to new situations with his blindness, often on a leash, the other three dogs seldom stopped moving while running free at Noxon's Pilgrim Park and Triangle Park near Heron. 

Joe and Bailey spent most of their free time in the water, while Bridie was content to be the hillside observer. 

Meanwhile, Bill and me and the kids happily strolled about or nibbled on treats while sitting at a picnic table. 

We were fortunate to have the rain take breaks each place we parked.  Still, it was easy to get wet when Joe or Bailey exited the water and timed their shake-offs for our residual benefit. 

By the time we reached the Ice House, the weather event had moved on and the sun began to shine over the lake. 

When we saw more cars than ever along the old highway in front of the pizzeria, we wondered about the availability of seating. 

No worries at that time.  Most of the occupants were inside the historic Hope Hotel restaurant and bar which reopened this past week. 

Ice House was pleasantly quiet when we arrived but pretty busy by the time we left. 

The pizza and beer were great as was the family time and, of course, the beautiful view down the lake's channel. 

It was a perfect way and a cherished memory to celebrate 50 years of Team Love with the Young Loves and the Puppy Loves. 

Happy Sunday and Happy Fathers' Day to all dads who provide great role models for their kids. 

Bill is definitely one of those. And, a pretty good hubby too. 

One more family related item.  The dad mentioned below (my oldest brother) is off in The Netherlands with his wife Mary. 

75 Years Ago

Sandpoint News-Bulletin


Tuesday afternoon Mickie Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown, celebrated his fifth birthday with friends. Games were played in the yard, then traditional birthday refreshments were served in the yard at a table decorated in a Flag day motif. Guests were Ralph Delamarter, Timmy Callahan, Sally and Robert Crockett, Larry Greef and Johnny O’Donnell.

Bill, Annie and Willie, taken on a Coeur d'Alene River fishing trip a while back. 

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