Thursday, June 06, 2024

Fun with Friends; Thursday Throwbacks


I told Sharon, the hostess, that I was going to come and just pop in and pop out. 

Well, that turned out to be wishful thinking on my part.  

After all, when  you see friends you haven't seen in years, it's hard to just turn the switch off and leave. 

So, I ended up staying at least an hour for a get-together honoring our mutual friend Betty. 

She had come from Florida for some quick visits in the area, and I'm sure it had been at least ten years since I'd last seen her. 

Not quite the same for most of the other guests, but still, the luncheon at Sharon and Jack's yesterday offered some great food and quality visiting filled with shared memories of our long friendships, including some helpings of "way back when."  

I thought the Brown kids were the only ones who drove away babysitters, but I learned from Jack that the Parkins siblings had a similar record. 

Jack also always remembers haying for my folks AND the meals. 

Those little nuggets, along with all the other stories, which many of us had shared through our commonalities, made for a wonderful gathering. 

Thanks, Jack and Sharon. 

Throwback Thursday . . . . June 6, 2024

The Berkeley family came to ride Lily, and Elle sent a thank-you note. 

Ellie, I must tell you that your thank you note hangs on the wall just behind my computer. 

Bill and Pastor Andy from the Presbyterian Church. 

Is that "Aller Gale" that I see walking to the City Beach?

One of my mother's greeting cards. 

Below:  no explanation necessary, 'cept Debbie gave me the shirt for some strange reason. 

Below:  if there's an event in Sandpoint, this man, Chuck, is likely to make an appearance with his camera. 

A Love family photo taken by Marie Sulzle O'Brien. 

My former student Kaleb, in typical Kaleb mode, with former SHS math teacher Mary. 

Below:  Mary and her sons.  

A few locals attending a By-Way celebration. 

Howard and Brandon at a class reunion. 


Honoring the sacrifices made on the beaches of Normandy 80 years ago today. 

May we never forget these sacrifices or contributions of the Greatest Generation. 

Photos taken from Internet sites. 

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