Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hello, Summer


Longest day.

First day of summer. 

Sun shining. 

Warm temps. 

A lawn-mowing day. 

Not a bad outlook for the hours ahead. 

Yesterday we were still dealing with a chill in the air, but, for the most part, it was pleasant.

I attended a graveside service for my long-time friend Jacki who dealt with Alzheimers for many years. 

I was thrilled that both of the two ministers (both former students) who officiated acknowledged the devotion that Jacki's husband Jim and her family extended to her through all those years. 

Nothing less than saintly, I think. 

We also enjoyed a lovely visit on the deck with Don and Ruth from Tucson.  

Their granddaughter Terra graduated from SHS and they've been enjoying life with Terra and her family on the farm down Selle Road. 

When they head back to Tucson, they'll be taking along their new pup, which Ruth has decided to name Babe. I met Babe, a terrier-type dog, and he's a perfect pooch for the couple. 

When Don and Ruth left, I almost started counting out loud the seconds it would take to hear Bill say, "I think I'll take Bridie and do a little fishing." 

I knew it was coming because Bill's fishing excursions have been curtailed a bit with all the projects involved getting ready for our 50th celebration. 

I think no more than ten seconds had passed before he made the announcement. 

He's happy to have a new fishing partner and reports that Bridie stays right with him as he moves from spot to spot with his fly rod. 

The two tried Trail Creek near Naples yesterday afternoon. 

When they left, I brought the horses up from pasture, grabbed a bite to eat and then Foster and I went on our own excursion.  In my case, it's to catch photos. 

After heading north up our road, I saw that someone was at the place which recently sold just a few houses from us. 

Turns out the owners have a connection to one of my former English aides at Sandpoint High School. Samantha Fisher is Tina Rust's daughter. 

It's always pretty neat to see the local connections when new neighbors arrive. 

While visiting with Samantha's husband Ben, I was not the only welcome-wagon neighbor to drop in.  Peter Taylor, the mayor of Matchwood, had beaten me to the punch.  He and Ben talked a lot about top soil and water tables and where buildings would be constructed. 

It will be fun to watch this new family make their home among the rest of us who love living here in Selle. 

After leaving Ben and Peter, I drove down some country roads but didn't "catch" too many unique photos until I rolled past Gary Finney's farm where his grandson Adam had just lit a burn pile.  

It was pretty dramatic for a minute or two.  Adam and I enjoyed a nice visit as the fire calmed down. 

The last day of spring was filled with lots of thoughts featuring nostalgia, touching moments, new faces, good visiting and, as always, the beauty and bounty of this wonderful area where we are blessed to live. 

Happy Thursday.  Enjoy the photos. 

Lovin' my lettuce this year. 

These rosebuds are most welcome because the bush had a tough winter, like so many other trees and shrubs. 

My sisters gave me the rose bush for my birthday when we still lived on Great Northern Road.  We moved it to the present location 18 years ago, so the rose has been pretty hardy. 

I hope we can salvage the life branches. 

Thursday Throwbacks . . . . 

Annie at her Groundspeak, Inc. office desk just a ways away from the Fremont Bridge in Seattle. 

Bill, the forester; Virginia Wood, the matriarch. 

Neighbor and friend Maryann with sister Barbara bridling her horse Dusty at a horse show a few years back. 

Barbara happens to be cleaning up on the awards at a regional horse show in Nampa this week. 

The extended family enjoyed a hike in Gold Creek a few years ago.  Twas on that hike that a cougar stalked us. 

Above:  one of my sisters' hay hands a few years ago.  Below: my neighbor and classmate Gary Finney. 

Above:  hay harvesting specialists Harvey and Lori.

Below:  the Love family in Kildare, Ireland, where I celebrated my 75th birthday two years ago.  


An inspiring couple with a lot of nice kids:  the late Frances and Beverly McNall.

Below: Osaze singing the National Anthem at a horse show.  These days Osaze does sign language; her gigs have included Broadway musicals. 

An Albertson wedding anniversary party a few years back. 

Below: again, Bill, the forester, showing youngsters the amazing wonders of nature. 

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