Sunday, June 02, 2024

Just a Sunday in June

This is the first full bloom from rose Annie gave me for Mother's Day.  It's a beauty. 

Hopefully, the last of the dandelions, which will be making way for the daisies. 

Below:  the first full bloom I've seen on the Lovestead, and many more to come. 

On farms, we're not supposed to like daisies in the fields because they take up room where grass could grow.  Still, they're a pretty sight. 

Speaking of things ending, I'm hoping we've seen the last of the pine pollen.  We've had several greenish storms around the place, and it's a process trying to clean the pollen from the deck and the chairs. 

Yesterday I noticed the first of the cottonwood storms.  Of all the spring outdoor irritations, I hate cottonwood deposits the most. 

It's everywhere, and seems to last far too long.  In addition, it's almost impossible to avoid tracking the messy stuff into the house. 

Lots of mowing and vaccuming. 

So, I'm hoping it comes and goes quickly.  

They say the mail doesn't always come through and now we can say that cars sometimes do go through the post office. 

A sad situation for both the driver and the local post office staff. 

We've had a number of similar incidents around town in the past couple of years, but I'm guessing this one is going to present a major challenge affecting a lot of postal patrons. 

Best of luck to the local staff in figuring out the challenges and hugs to the driver who must be distraught and embarrassed. 


In other news, I logged 23,000 steps on my Fitbit yesterday. 

That's how busy my Saturday turned out to be. 

The best part:  my knees pretty much behaved during all those steps. 

I often say that each day brings on a new knee adventure, and when it's a good day with the knees I'm thrilled.

Lately, there's been no predicting on any given day if the bad one is gonna act up or if both are gonna give me fits or if they both actually behave like yesterday. 

I do wear a knee brace while working, and so it stayed on for most of the day. 

My agenda included the usual chores and a major project of painting the two benches in the front yard. 

Actually, the benches can be made into a picnic table.  I purchased it/them a few years ago from one of our neighbors who was building them at the time. 

No regrets. 

They have served us well, but they were ready for a dress-up, so out came the paint bucket and the brush. 

I was quite pleased with the outcome, even though, there's some touch-up to do.  Seems with such items, there's always a spot or two that we've missed. 

Lawn mowing was also on the agenda, and I'm hoping to finish that job today before the rains come. 

We're supposed to have another "atmospheric river" event starting this afternoon and lasting through Monday. 

Simon's weather forecast just talks of chance of showers while we've heard some pretty dramatic predictions from other outlets. 

Whatever the case, we've received some very helpful rain this late spring on many occasions.  Maybe the hay crops will be better than expected this year. 

That said, I'd better sign off and get out there and finish as much as possible before the rain comes. 

Happy Sunday, and Happy Birthday, Swiss Miss.  

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