Saturday, June 29, 2024

Saturday Slight


Last night Bill and I did a little downtown Friday-night touristy stuff.  

First, we enjoyed dinner at Matchwood, which is always tasty and comfortable, especially with the outside tables. 

Then, I suggested we go to Panhandle Cone and Coffee for ice cream. 

As we were pulling away from Matchwood, we saw the group in the photo above standing outside of Heartwood Events Center, formerly known as St. Joseph's Catholic Church were I was baptized and we were married. 

Often a great ice-breaking question when I meet young people who attend Sandpoint High is to ask, "Do you know Mr. Love?"

Indeed, this group, who had probably finished their gig at a Pend Oreille Arts Council fundraiser, knew our son, Mr. Love. Some had even had him as a teacher. 

Very nice kids and happy to pose for a photo in front of the old church. They told me they're called "The Accidentals." 

As we drove on to downtown, it was apparent that last night had brought out the tourists and the locals. Town was buzzing as was the ice cream shop.

We arrived at a good time, picked out our two scoops in waffle cones and then went out and did what the tourists do, sat in a bench licking our cones and watching the action. 

A steady stream of people, lots of families kept the door and the staff busy at the ice cream shop. 

A friend and her daughter came walking by. We visited.  Then, they headed to the ice cream shop and then they headed back so we visited some more. 

Too busy, Pam said.  Later, she went back and soon thereafter came back and decided they would get ice cream cones on another night. 

Still, we had a good visit, which allowed Bill and me to finish our cones before heading home. 

It was definitely a "go-get-ice cream" moment and a fun and pleasant summer evening in the old hometown. 

Below: a neat story about a very generous and appreciated donation from the LDS church to the local food bank in this morning's Daily Bee

I continue to enjoy and marvel at my flowers this year.  Relatively cool weather has been good for them.

I'll probably make a real effort to enjoy them as much as possible in the next few days because we'll see 99 degrees next weekend.  

Perfect conditions for flowers to open up and wilt quickly. 

For now, they're giving out some unparalleled and long-lasting beauty. 

These two roses are blooming on the same bush. 

And, the first bloom of 2024 for the rose below. 

Below:  nice way to say a Saturday adieu and to remember all the beauty in this world. 


Happy Saturday. 

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