Friday, July 05, 2024

Holiday Memories


It's a blend. 

There's the Lovestead.

And, there's the Meserve Preserve. 

Pretty much every Fourth of July, there's a party at our house. 

Most Fourths, there's one at the Meserve Preserve next door, which I usually visit with my camera.  

This year is a bit different for our next-door neighbors because some had to work yesterday. 

So, their population will continue to explode today, and tomorrow, they'll do their usual celebration. 

Here at the Lovestead, the party took on a new twist with doggies, cornhole competition, horse shoes and badminton without the net. 

That was in addition to eating and relaxing and just enjoying the day. 

So, today, you'll get a mix of some Meserve photos taken yesterday along with our party. 

My camera caught a four-generation group over next door with Great-Grandma Geneva, grandmother Becky, mom Mandy and daughter Elinor. 

Plus, it was fun getting acquainted with Elinor and her brothers Jacob and Patrick. 

It was a fun Fourth where many good memories were formed. 

Enjoy the photos, and Happy Friday. 

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