Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thursday Stuff and Throwbacks


There's smoke in the sky this morning.  It's beautiful but also unwelcome.  I had to put a jacket on when I went outside, which was nice. 

We're hoping the breezes along with cooler weather will send the smoke on its way. 

A busy and fun day yesterday as I did chores around here and spent time brush hogging trails in the woods. 

While on the tractor, I enjoyed the sight of a doe and her fawn jumping from the grass not too far away and bounding into another section of woods. 

I also saw Mama Peacock and her kids in the yard and the fields.  I think she likes it around here. 

We lost our Oden water for about an hour yesterday, but, by golly, they found the problem and fixed it.  So, no worries about the animals or the flowers and garden. 

Later in the afternoon yesterday, I spent time at my first physical therapy appointment ever.  

My therapist comes from Gig Harbor, Wash., and she was impressive and thorough, to say the least. 

The first session involved her establishing a baseline from which to work on strengthening my muscles and range of movement.  She recorded a lot of information about that knee, and she gave me homework---some fairly easy exercises to do each day. 

The ultimate goal besides walking two miles on the Camino in Spain is to help me avoid future knee problems. 

From the appointment, it was a quick trip to the grocery store to buy goodies for an afternoon gathering with former students, mostly from the Sandpoint High Class of 1978.  

My younger sister Laurie and I represented different SHS classes. 

What is now an annual party revolves around Vatican journalist Cindy Wooden's visit to Sandpoint.  So, of course, there was a little Pope and Rome talk but a lot of discussion about upcoming retirements among some of the group. 

Some are already retired, while others are seeing an end to their careers in the next year or so. 

It's always fun visiting with these people, and it was fun to meet Mitzi's new pup Millie.  

Millie stole my napkin right out of my hand and took it over to a corner in the yard to chew on it. Actually, Millie grabbed a lot of stuff while we gabbed. 

Fun gathering, as always. 

Today at the Lovestead, we'll be concentrating on buying groceries and getting the place ready for the weekend company. 

It feels good to know that we can do our work in significantly cooler conditions.  

Happy Thursday. 

I stopped by Super 1 parking lot yesterday afternoon where Debbie (upper left) and her dedicated volunteers were holding a festive Christmas in July food drive.  

If you miss it and want to donate to Bonner Community Food Bank, you can always send a donation or drop one by the food bank.

The need for food or funds to purchase food never stops.  

A friend called me yesterday telling me she would like to find a new home for this trailer with antique hardware.  

It is located on the family farm in Dufort. 

She will happily give it to someone or a group who might have an ornamental use for it.  

The dead flowers in pots are not part of the deal, but they do suggest a great use for it. 

If you or someone you know is interested, contact me, and I'll put you in touch with the owner. 

Thursday Throwbacks from the photo library: in honor of tonight's opening the Festival at Sandpoint, some photos were feature scenes from the Festival in 2018.  Others represent people I've met along my daily travels---neighbors, friends, events, etc. 

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