Thursday, August 15, 2024

Garden Goodies, TBT's


Last night we ate a dinner, most of which involved garden pickings, but not 'maters or cukes. 

We had coleslaw from the garden cabbage and a blend of green beans and new potatoes, smothered with margarine and cheese. 

Although the sungold tomatoes are ripening every day, the tomato crop is looking sparse, as are the cukes. 

So, each bite of fresh of the vine will be appreciated more than usual. 

It's a so-so garden year, for sure, but every taste of freshness still makes it worth the expense and the work. 

The "good for the soul" part is probably what keeps gardeners going every year. 

Last night the horses had their first taste of small apples from the tree. 

The tree is loaded with apples so they have lots of treat nights ahead. 

Today the vet will come to see if CB has a cold or if the deep dust pond he has formed in the barnyard for rolling is causing his occasional cough. 

I'm thinking it may be since the other horses are fine and they haven't been around any outside horses. 

Fingers crossed.  If he's fine or if he needs some treatment, the vet bill will be worth the peace of mind. 

Tomorrow they'll all get attention because Steve, the farrier is coming.  Lily will get reshod in front while the others will get a trim. 

The dry weather has been hard on their hooves---little cracks here and there.

On the peacock front, Mrs. Peacock and her babies have not been seen around the Lovestead for a week.

  I have a feeling they were summoned home.

With no peacocks to behold, it was nice to see a couple of doves land in the trees near the Meserve Preserve yesterday. 

We haven't had doves around here for a few years, so any sighting is neat. 

We also had two grosbeaks spend all of about five seconds at the bird feeder the other day. 

Berries are ripening on some of the shrubs around the place, so we're figuring on seeing more birds as long as the berries are around. 

All in all, life is just putzing along without any dramatic happenings.  That's just fine. 

Happy Thursday.  

Enjoy the photos, including the TBT's.

Thursday Throwbacks . . . . as always, these are random selections that I land on while scrolling through my photo library:  neighborhood stuff, dear friends, interesting happenings, and, of course doggies. 

I love going back and seeing the precious moments of life's journey. 

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