Monday, September 16, 2024

Comings and Goings, Oh My!

First thought to share this morning:  gratitude. 

I don't want to sound like a broken record, but several experiences this year with personal medical situations have made me realize how fortunate we are in the Sandpoint area to have so many caring physicians, medical providers and support staff. 

This past couple of weeks have been rather nightmarish for me because of an ongoing gut problem. 

So much so that I have even lost pounds without trying.  When does that ever happen, anywho?

As I write today, the key to the problem has been found, and I am taking medication to alleviate it. 

All along the way this past week, I have encountered the right people at the right time, whether they be office personel or phlebotomists or nurses or doctors and,heck, even hospital doormen.  

They have each provided exactly what I needed at the time during all this personal frustration and that includes TLC. 

They have also pursued and found answers, provided solutions (even on a Sunday), they have made me laugh when I needed it, and they have all displayed utmost professionalism in the process. 

I can't thank each of these people enough for helping me wade through this mystifying and uncomfortable problem.  

Furthermore, I'd like to give our local medical community a huge pat on the back for doing their job and making a rather fragile soul feel better. 

It often seems too easy to publicly disparage an entire professional community because of an isolated incident.  Everyone's story is different as is every circumstance.

We are fortunate to have doctors, nurses, support staff and pharmacists who do care and who often go the extra mile in our behalf. 

I happen to know one well-prepared individual and former student who will soon be joining this group of dedicated professionals, and I know that he will add to the superb and caring attention I have received this past week. 

So, in my mind, it's all good news for Sandpoint. 

Thank you all.   

This is truly a week of comings and goings. 

Horses will be going midweek to Roxane's where they'll stay for the winter. 

Laurie will be coming home Wednesday from her amazing horse show in Ohio. 

Family members are showing up from the immediate family and even the "outlaws."  

I'm looking forward to meeting some new outlaws if the timing is right. 

In a few days, Annie will be meeting the end of her 500-mile walking journey in Spain. 

Soon after that we'll be meeting Annie and going on some never-before journeys of our own. 

One of those:  walking a segment of Annie's Camino.

  Both Bill and I have done the best we could at getting our knees in shape for this walk which will be about 498 fewer miles than Annie has walked. 

But it's the Camino, and I have long dreamed--ever since her first pilgrimage--about setting foot on the Camino in Spain and to have walked where our precious daughter walked before.

It will be a nice reversal of experiences, to say the least.  

Lots to do in all this week's comings and goings and, as they happen, more fun stuff to share. 

For now, on this Monday morning, there are things to do and people to see. 

Happy Monday.  

It's not far now.  

Annie is approaching the last major stretch of the Camino de Santiago.  

She stayed in Samos last night and has covered several miles today. 

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