Thursday, September 19, 2024

Nuggets from the Fast Lane

Many months of preparation have gone into the first-ever September Showcase this weekend, sponsored by the Emerald Empire Arabian Club. 

The show, which includes both Arabian and open breed classes,  runs from Friday through Sunday at the Bonner County Fairgrounds, and the sponsors' main goal is to get the word out about the beauty and grace of Arabians as well as for everyone participating to have a great time. 

It's called a Value Show, which means it will have a laid-back, fun feel as many exhibitors will be using the classes to give their horses experience. 

There will be prizes for the winners, but the most coveted prize will be to have fun whether you are an exhibitor or a spectator. 

So, check out the show and plan on a great time.

Yesterday, shortly after her arrival home, we got to see Laurie's loot from the Arabian Sport Horse Nationals last week in Ohio.  

I don't think she has wiped that smile off from her face since winning several national awards and some money at the show while riding Pache. 

My sisters share ownership in Pache, a flashy black-and-white pinto Arabian. 

Pache was happy to be home and we were all happy to see Laurie.

The end of the trail. 

Probably by the time I publish this post, Annie will have reached the Shrine of St. James, the Apostle in Santiago de Compostela.  

And, with that, she will have walked 500 miles. 

She has clung to her resilience in the face of major challenges. 

We are so proud. 

You can see the final results of her Camino by clicking the link. 

The horses left yesterday but not before CB and Foster said some good bye's. 

The trailer trips over to Roxane's were seamless. When the last horse backed out of the trailer, the floor was still spotless.  

They were pretty laid back and seemed quite calm about going back to Roxane's.  

Pretty quiet and a little sad here last night with them gone. 

I read the nuggets below in the Bonner County History notes from 75 years ago and thought they were worth sharing. 


Hazing of freshmen outside of school by upper classmen drew a sharp rebuke from high school authorities last week. Trips to the cemetery where paddling took place and other offenses were called “out of bounds” by Principal L.W. Haight. 

 It was freshmen initiation week, but activities like lipsticking the faces of both boys and girls and some boys being required to wear diapers were as far as the festivities were to go. 

Excesses beyond this were not countenanced by authorities. Freshmen initiation is winding up with a special assembly and a dance. 



Attending the football game at Kalispell, Montana between the Sandpoint Bulldogs and the Kalispell eleven were Mr. and Mrs. Tom O’Donnell, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Parkins and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bopp.

Happy Thursday.  Enjoy the sunshine. 

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