Sunday, September 22, 2024

Spain Day One


The fact that Bill and I couldn't sleep last night could be because of all the images of our first day ever in Spain floating through our minds.

There were other factors, but our experiences during our first few hours on the Iberian Peninsula in the city of Santiago where Annie has now arrived on foot five times over the past few years were so surreal, so beautiful and so powerful that it was hard to put them to sleep. 

After arriving to a quiet airport in Santiago in late afternoon, we caught a bus where other pilgrims planning to do a Camino walk were transfixed by Annie's stories about Santiago and The Way. 

Two upcoming pilgrims had just walked the Bray Way in Ireland, a walk of about 25 miles. Another gentleman from the Church of Ireland quizzed Annie on several aspects of the Camino. 

I sat proudly listening to her share her experiences and her knowledge of Santiago, thinking "that's my daughter." 

After departing the bus and saying good bye to our fellow travelers, we set off through the streets of Santiago toward the old section and the Shrine of St. James the Apostle, which marks the end of various Caminos. 


That's the word which came the closest to describing the scenes in around the massive ornate Cathedral with its huge square teeming with pilgrims and tourists enjoying a Sunday afternoon. Twas in the square where Bill recorded his first geocache in Spain. 

I don't know if it was the pure size of the Cathedral with its steeples reaching to the sky or the amazing gold-plated figures, including angels, surrounding the altar or the total reverence and respect of the masses seated or standing around the altar---all were sights to behold. 

After visiting the shrine, we walked the narrow streets lined with stores and restaurants and filled with people from all over the world. We also enjoyed the dogs, of which there were plenty, including little Niah, the 3-month-old Border Collie pup marked a lot like Bridie. 

We eventually had dinner at a sidewalk cafe and then found our way back to our hotel where slept for a while but then awakened and talked about the day.  We eventually grabbed a couple of hours of slumber, but now we're up and getting ready for a full day of immersion into the Spanish countryside and its culture. 

Should be a fun day ahead. 

Enjoy the photos and do check my Facebook site with its blog promotion and where I'll add photos whenever possible.

As Bill says, it's fun to be in the place where Annie has spent so much time experiencing the culture in the most basic way possible:  walking it and embracing all that she sees along The Way. 

Shrine of St. James the Apostle where Camino pilgrims complete their long walks. 

I really was not as unhappy as I look in the photo. Apparently, Pepe snapped the photo when I was in mid-expression.  

We bought a box of almond cookies from Patri after having a sample. 

Muy bueno!

When you don't know Spanish and order dinner, you may just get two entrees.  

Bill had lots of meat and bread to chew on. 

When on antibiotics, no coffee, no alcohol, so I settled for a bottle of San Miguel zero alcohol.  

Below:  Ma and Pa Love at the first geocache in Spain. 

Twas okay but looking forward to a couple of days from now when I can enjoy a nice glass of Spanish or Portugese wine.  And, coffee will be nice too!

1 comment:

Bluemax 36 said...

Glad you're there enjoying the country. Santiago de Compostela is impressive--as are so many of Spain's cathedrals...Somewhere, I believe that I have a picture of the same door knocker that you posted at the end of your blog entry.