Thursday, October 10, 2024

HOME and Trip TBT


We arrived home around mid-morning yesterday. Two freshly groomed doggies sat in the back seat. 

We received raving reviews about how well they adjusted to the Pet Lodge, plus a little extra observation about Foster's amazing ability to deal with his blindness. 

When we turned on to South Center Valley Road, knowing that it had not yet been paved but that pre-paving projects and the nasty winds storm had changed the bucolic scene which I have always loved would be changed.

Still, we felt shock at seeing piles of logs and about 1/4 mile of the roadway to the north with wide open views because of the tree removal. 

It will never be the same, but we have lived long enough to know that progress means change, and sometimes that change is not always welcome or pretty. 

We've heard that the paving project may happen next week. We've also driven the road enough to see the storm damage where beautiful tall evergreens are missing their tops which were snapped off in the wind. 

Bill, the dogs and I also wasted no time walking our place, noting the damage that needs to be fixed or hauled away. 

After last winter killed one of our ornamental plum trees, the storm took care of the other, bigger one, usually loaded with hundreds of plums.  The tree also has provided shade in the barnyard for the horses to stand and have siestas on hot summer afternoons.

The other damage included some trees in the woods, a board and part of a post separated from the barnyard fence and some stuff (like a canoe) moved from one place to another. 

While we were gone, we were fortunate to have one of our neighbor boys come and clean up the branches and residue from the yard.  Plus, our friend Tom mowed the lawn a few days ago.

Thank you, Emmet and Tom.  

So, it's work to be done, but it's not all bad. 

We are happy to be home and look forward to tackling the cleanup and other fall projects needing completion before winter starts. We won't be bored. 

This morning I had a chance to do a little processing of our amazing trip which took us to three countries. 

I've gotten lazy in my old age and have found it much easier to snap photos with my iPhone rather than carrying my heavy camera around my neck.  

Still, three times in three countries, I carried it, and this morning's batch of photos reminded me of a few treasured moments in Spain, Portugal and Ireland. 

The first batch will include Camino scenes which Bill and I saw while walking our designated Camino which Annie chose for us.  Just .8 km, but enough to get a sense of what it's like to walk and to witness the sights along the pathway. 

We more than made up for our short Camino stretch while walking the ups and downs of both Porto and Lisbon in Portugal. 

The rest of the photos include an assortment of sights we enjoyed seeing while visiting Portugal and Ireland.  

A special note on the walking:  both of us with our knee problems before the trip got along just fine.  Twasn't sore knees but sore thigh muscles from the ups and downs. So, we are very happy with our doctor's help. 

Hope you enjoy the photos of this Thursday Throwback, which all happened in the last couple of weeks.  This morning's photo work reminded me of why I do a blog, especially at this age when short-term memory fades all too quickly.  

With each post, the wonderful memories come popping back, and they become more appreciated with each documented viewing. 

Portugal and Ireland


This past Sunday, I met Janine Breslin from Derry, Northern Ireland, while walking Culdaff Beach in Country Donegal.  

On my stroll both directions of the beach, I enjoyed watching Janine's kids having a great time playing in the ocean waves. 

While walking back to the beach entrance, I saw her visiting with the kids and then turning cartwheels.  

She's 40, and she does a pretty good beach cartwheel, so I asked if she'd do some more so I could take pictures. 

Like a trooper, she agreed.  

We also had a nice visit before parting company.  She does artsy-type stuff and works at a college, while her husband does digital design. 

Twas a Sunday afternoon outing which illustrated an apparently very happy family.  

Thanks, Janene. 

I hope you enjoy the photos of your acrobatics and of your general family fun.


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