Friday, December 13, 2024

Nature's Artwork


I left foot prints this morning. 

Anyone could trace the steps I have taken outside on this Friday morning because we have a dusting of new snow.  It's still falling as I type. 

As I said to Bill, it's perfect because it's providing another December clean-up of the landscape. 

Plus, I decorated our deck Christmas tree yesterday afternoon. It still needs a lot of help gussying it up for day time viewing, but in the dark, it's pretty. 

The new snow will enhance the scene all the more. 

Tree decorating came after a drive to Bonners Ferry to pick up the pig----half a pig, that is. 

We tried pork chops last night and Bill sampled some bacon this morning. Both passed the taste test. 

I also stopped at the Bread Basket Bakery north of Bonners where I picked up a donut and a cup of coffee before taking a brief drive across the Kootenai Valley. 

Picture taking turned out great because just as I arrived at a Kootenai River boat launch area, the sun came from behind the clouds and cast a beautiful light on everything. 

The freeze from the night before was still having an impact with a substantial silvery coating on shrubs and other plants.

With very little traffic on the road, I felt like I had the valley to myself, stepping out of the car and leaving the door open while walking around snapping photos of the myriad of gorgeous artistic phenomena formed by Nature.

The day ended up even better after I arrived home to learn that the company in Wisconsin had been able to retrieve 99.9 percent of my data.  

The company rep told me that thousands of bad sectors had caused the problem.  They had originally thought it was an electrical problem. 

Of course to in my uninformed mind, that doesn't mean much.  What does is knowing that I'll be able to see my data again in the next few days. 

There's going to be a learning curve because I'll be getting used to external hard drives and the Cloud and whatever else helps save data. 

In the stupidity department, yes, I was stupid for not religiously backing up my work, but I'll just throw in that the password debacle has contributed to a lot of that cyber-negligence.  

Does everyone out there LOVE living in a world of passwords?  

It's certainly become one of my biggest irritants in life, so I'm hoping to have some guidance in the goal of "simplifying" future tech pursuits. 

For now, I'm just happy that I didn't lose about three decades of writing and photography.

Anyway, with a new supply of pork in the freezer, a tree almost decorated and some definite relief from the hard drive debacle, I'll do my best to simplify this Friday by baking and working on Christmas cards and walking in the woods and anything that helps keep the day sane. 

Insanity, induced by outside forces beyond my control, has been hanging around far too much during the past couple of months. 

Happy Friday.   

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