Tuesday, January 07, 2025

One Fine Day


What a great way to start off the week!

If this view out our sliding-glass door provides a clue, you know it was good Monday here at the Lovestead. 

Weather plays such an important role in our daily and even hourly lives. 

Yesterday was a beauty all day long.  

I can only imagine how euphoric the recreationalists at Schweitzer were as they enjoyed the slopes, all the deep snow and brilliant blue sky. 

Down here in the valley, we could feel the endorphins pretty much throughout the day. 

Plus, we received a significant mood lift when Garrett, the Oden Water fix-it specialist, came by to see what he was gonna do about our leak. 

After some research at the valve station and then at the roadside meter, he told us that the leak right now is pretty minor, wherever it is.  He suggested that it's probably best to wait until spring and dryer times before digging anything up. 

He also told us that the next monthly meter reading will probably tell us the general areas to look for the leak because we have the water to the barn and to all the pasture waterers turned off. 

So, we'll wait and see and quit worrying about that potential headache aka sticker shock for a few months. 

This morning Joey, the plumber, and his helper Jada will install the new toilet upstairs, so, hopefully, that part of the house will quit falling apart for a while. 

Twould be nice to have a break in the slow disintegration of infrastructure on this place. 

Yesterday also offered a great and pleasant opportunity to go over to Roxane's and fool around with my horses.  These days I just take a couple of brushes with me out to their pasture and work with all three of them outside. 

They know about treats in the pockets, so I have no problem coaxing them to come my way.  Happily, they do seem to understand that the treats don't come until I'm finished coming tails and manes and foretops.

We have a week's worth of dry weather ahead, so we should be halfway into January before worrying about any more winter weather.  

Plus, we can spend more time outside and maybe go on a few drives. 

It should be a great week once that toilet's in and the bill is paid. 

In other news, I was reading a series of headlines this morning which suggested how to brush our teeth, what not to do with rubbing alcohol and the right way to pet a dog. 

What would we do without the Internet to teach us on a daily basis how to do the mundane things of life?

I've already brushed my teeth this morning and, so far,  haven't had a need for using rubbing alcohol, but I do think I'll read about how to pet a dog before I go downstairs and reach out to pet Foster or Bridie in the correct and proper way to show them my affection. 

I wonder if they'll say thank you when they realize I'm finally doing it right.  

In all seriousness, I have read the article, and it includes some common-sense guidelines, especially for confronting strange dogs. 

We can never be too careful. 

With that, it's off to get ready for a new toilet. 

Happy Tuesday.  

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