Sunday, March 02, 2025

A Sunny Day in Canada


The last time Annie had visited Nelson, British Columbia, she was a child. 

So, that destination was our ultimate goal when we loaded up the dogs and drove to Canada. 

The decision to drive on to Nelson came as we were walking with the dogs at the Discovery Centre, which is located west of Creston. 

When Bill and I had walked the trails there about a month ago, they were iced over.  

Not so yesterday.  

Most of the ice was gone, even though the wetlands themselves are still covered with snow and ice.  

After we left the Discovery Centre and headed west, the drive over Salmo Pass was spectacular as usual.  We drove through areas where avalanches had sent snow on to the road. 

Fortunately, road crews had removed the snow when we passed through. 

We also reminisced about the time we passed the lakes at the summit when Bill's folks were with us and we saw a Caribou. 

Yesterday, climbing up snow hills would have been necessary to see the lakes. 

In Nelson, it was a gorgeous spring day that had brought out even more peeps and dogs.  Joggers, cyclists, bookworms, anglers and cell phone addicts had found their respective areas and were making the most of a Saturday afternoon where soaking up sun was a common scene.

It's a beautiful place which invites the idea of coming back for more.  Nelson is a beautiful city, which invites the desire to come back and see more. 

We stopped at a pub for a bite to eat, and then headed back home with enough time to arrive home before watching the ZAGS' great victory over San Francisco. 

Now, they'll be waiting their turn at the WCC tournament and hoping to claw their way to the championship by defeating some tough teams. 

Overall, it was a great Saturday and a nice day for enjoying a family outing. 

Happy Sunday. 

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