Sunday, March 16, 2025

"Spring" Smorgasboard


Six days until spring, and we're finally having winter.

I'm glad that I have most of the winter residue of twigs, cones, needles and dead leaves raked and hauled off from the yard. 

This three inches-plus of snow should provide a nice cleansing.

I don't mind the snow because I'm fairly sure it won't last long, and this morning it's quite pretty. 

In the past 24 hours or so, we've had snow, sunshine, rain and wind.  I guess it's March. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos.  

Happy Sunday. 

The following was done in Ireland during the Pandemic in 2020.  

In these equally uncertain times, this production seemed like a nice lift for a snowy Sunday morning before St. Patrick's Day 2025. 

Hope you enjoy. 

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