These are all good friends----bottom row: Terri Albertson, Shirl "the Pearl" Parker, Myra Lewis; top row: Edna Iverson and Bev Chapin. Myra's the birthday girl today, so I'm gonna talk about her.
Myra Lewis came to the Clark Fork area from Aspen, Colorado. I first knew of her and her family when the kids would bring their 4-H lambs to the fair and wow the crowds with their beautifully groomed animals and their showing ability. Then, Myra came to work at Sandpoint High School, where she taught business classes for a couple of decades. I've considered her a good friend ever since. Myra really cared about her students, and she's totally devoted to her family, which includes hubby Byron and three daughters.
The Lewis home, whether it was their first ranch right next to the Clark Fork River or their present residence on the other side of road, has always served as a setting where the word "welcome" is always demonstrated with warmth, fun and a feeling that any visitor is important to the Lewises. Myra and Byron have hosted many wonderful gatherings over the years, and I've always felt like they treat people more like family than friends. They're generous, gracious and genuinely thrilled with each person's presence.
Over the years, I've cross country skied at the Lewises, I've ridden snowmobiles, I've walked the trails, I've eaten lots of good food, and I've enjoyed the beauty both inside and outside of their home. Both Myra and Byron are talented with their hands and with their ability to provide a Western home decor which is both artistic and comfortable. It seems like people are coming and going all the time, and it seems as if their list of friends is endless.
During the time we worked together, Myra was always a respected and well-loved teacher. Since retiring, she continues to give of herself and her talents in the Clark Fork schools and within the community. She's as down-to-earth and sincere as they come, and I must say that I've always treasured her friendship. So, Myra, I hope you have a passel of wonderful memories during your special day. I don't know how old you are, but your ever-present zest for life certainly keeps you youthful.
Happy birthday to a very special lady. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling honored to consider you as a true-blue friend.
1 comment:
I'll strongly second all of that!!!
*from her Youngest of Three*
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