Well, I've been here for nearly an hour, waiting to get into the innards of the blogger site. I don't know what's wrong today, but some snails must've gotten into the system. I tried to post some photos, but nothing happened.
Then, I decided to explain that things were running slow this morning. I waited another 15 minutes to get to this draft window. I noticed something while waiting that long: my blog ID is in the 9 millions. Was I waiting for 9 million other bloggers to get on board? That's a lot of waiting.
I also noticed that today is a 3-5 dot day in the progress window when it should be an immediate 10-dot day. One notices things while sitting as a slave to the blogger addiction. I could have gotten up and gone outside, but no---I knew Helen and RoseMarie would be there sitting at their computers, clicking and clicking and clicking on that "slightdetour" link, wondering what the heck is keeping Marianne today.
So, I sat here, in deference to my friends who care, knowing they would need an explanation as to why I had no smart remarks this morning. Well, I've looked at that pretty red maple outside the living room window long enough while waiting for the slogging blogger to get into gear.
So, no smart remarks, no photos, no emergencies at the Lovestead this morning---just damn slow blogger gods tending to more than 9 million crazy people who think they have to write something for the world to see each morning. I guess the gods are tired this morning, so I'll give them a break and the slightdetour readers a break by saying "That's all, folks! Maybe tomorrow will be a faster day."
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