Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Journey through a Lovely Day

It was a day of family, friends and a Border Collie-feeding frenzy, along with drop-dead gorgeous winter weather.

Family members got together with Mother for dinner, where we enjoyed seeing lots of old friends.  The food was delectable as was the atmosphere. 

Earlier in the day I toiled over the kitchen island, frosting some gingersnaps and filling some cookie plates.

As I worked, outside continued to become more and more alluring with bright blue skies and intense sunshine, so I worked faster, finally finishing that project about 2 p.m.

I hurriedly put away boxes of Christmas cookies, too hastily in one case. 

On came the snow pants, two fleece jackets, the gloves and a camera around the neck.

Doggies knew immediately we were headed off for a walk, with no snow shoes on this day. 

The snow below an inch or two of fresh powder was hard-packed enough to walk anywhere and everywhere.

We chose Meserve's field.  Dogs were in great moods, and so was I, snapping photos every few feet, it seemed. 

The outdoors scenes yesterday were like a well-stocked smorgasboard, beauty, beauty everywhere.

I finally decided that if I took it all in with my camera, my purpose of getting some brisk exercise would suffer.

So, I slowed down on the camera clicking and sped up on the step-taking.

Dogs ran, played, frolicked and faked friendly fights.  

It was good they enjoyed themselves because later while we were out having dinner with Mother, Kiwi's nose found an unsecured pan of those "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" cookies. Her mouth went to work devouring every last one.

Upon my discovery, Kiwi cowered with guilt near the door to the garage, then ran into the house and upchucked on the living-room floor.

At that point, there was absolutely no guessing about which Border Collie stole the goods.

She's fine today, and the day is mighty fine too:  another chapter of blue skies and hot-pink snow-capped mountains outside my window.  

I'll go to town soon to spend an arm and a leg for more "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" ingredients, and you can be sure the resulting cookies will be well -secured from Border Collie noses.

Enjoy the photos below. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone looks appropriately festive and celebratory at the dinner. I know that it was much anticipated. Looks like a great day!