Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Eve

Let's just call the photo above my card sent to all the faithful followers and occasional visitors to this blog.

For background information, I must tell you that the card on the tree arrived here yesterday.

It came from Loves, spending Christmas in Boise.

The note inside reminded me of a lovely day spent this fall with my daughter-in-law, Debbie.

That was the day we went to the Mennonite Craft Sale in Bonners Ferry and then on a trip through the Kootenai Valley where I reconnected with a friend from way back.

While at the craft sale, I picked up the card and loved it but could not find an envelope to fit it.  After all, it's an original and finding proper-sized envelopes for originals is not always that easy.

Well, someone picked it up when I wasn't looking and saved it for our Christmas card from the younger Loves.  I smiled when I realized that was the very card I had shown to Debbie.

Such thoughtfulness, which is, indeed, a trademark of Debbie and so many people I know.  And, at Christmas time, the thoughtfulness is accentuated everywhere we turn. 

I wish to all of you a most joyous Christmas celebration.

I also thank you for sticking with the mutterings of this country hick who loves to talk about the good life and the peaceful happiness that so often marks a part of every day here on Earth.

Merry Christmas. 

I'll leave you with a most poignant, moving (both literally and figuratively) you-tube favorite.  This video was prepared by the fifth-grade class at Quinhagah, Alaska. 

The entire community worked with the students.  It took ten hours of work to put it together.  I'm guessing its impact will last a lot longer than ten hours.

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