Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Wintry Wednesday

Busy day ahead, and I'm guessing it will get busier, thanks to the snow.  Weatherman Tom Sherry predicted the big dump last night.  

We figured he would be going to bed early last night so he could get to work early this morning and break in on KREM-2 programming every 15 minutes to alert folks about the progress of the snow.

How did we ever function during winter in the 1950s when we only had K-SPIT radio station, and it was off the air half the time?

We had to depend on Watt Moreland and Norm Bauer to help us run our day way back then.  I guess we lived through it and did not really need to turn on the radio to know that it was winter.

This is the Information Age, I guess, so with all the added facts, maybe our shoveling and plowing should go easier.  I haven't noticed a difference yet.

Snow hasn't changed much since the '50s, nor has wind.  Snow still falls; wind still blows.  Sometimes they team up and give us a heckuva deal. 

And, when you pick up a shovelful of snow, it's sometimes heavy, sometimes light as a feather.

The one thing I wish Tom Sherry would do is to counsel those of us who have Border Collies how to shovel snow and miss the dog's mouth when it insists on jumping right into the line of fire each time we try to fling the snow.  

Now, that's different from the '50s. I don't think our pathetically dumb Duffy (he walked under electric fences wagging his tail and never figured out where the shock originated/also walked off the back of a moving pickup)  or our beautiful Irish setter Kit ever came out to help us shovel.  

They left well enough alone, but these Border Collies, they've been bred to work all jobs.  And, they take flinging snow just as seriously as monitoring horses and playing keep-away with the big ball. 

I'm guessing the Kubota will come out later today, and I'm betting I'll be yelling at Border Collies when I make my next trip to the barn.  That stuff is coming down and piling up.

Annie has to go to the airport this afternoon for her flight back to Seattle.  Must be age cuz I was feeling pretty much like a chicken, anticipating that drive in this deep stuff.  Bill was nice enough to say he'd take her.

So, I'll keep track of animals, yell at Border Collies and push that snow off the driveway once it decides to stop.  

I told Annie I was wishing she'd leave tomorrow because the drive into Spokane in spite of colder weather should be breath-taking with clear skies and a brand new glistening blanket covering up the earth's blemishes. 

All good things must end, though.  She needs to get back to do some work, and it will be sad to see her go.  

Good things will be on the TV tonight if the weather folks don't break in every fifteen minutes.  The ZAGs play at 5:30 and the Cougs a couple of hours later.  So, we can settle back in the warmth of whenever and enjoy a distraction from what's happening outside.

Happy Wednesday all.  Let it snow, let it snow, and let our friend Tom Sherry have a fun day telling us about it!

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