Sunday, January 09, 2011

In the Nude


I got to walk around naked most of the afternoon yesterday.

It felt pretty good after wearing that big brown blanket for the past two months. 

It keeps me warm, but it gets a little heavy at times.

So, to be able to walk around the barnyard with all that weight off was pretty nice.

The sun was shining for most of the day, so grazing on hay was pretty pleasant too.

I loved having those warm January rays beating down on my back.

I also loved my beauty treatment.

Got a hair cut there on the bridle path, and she even whacked some of my whiskers and beard.

I used to hate that, and I didn't behave very well, but nowadays it feels kinda good to have her snipping away around my muzzle and along my jaw.

Still don't like her coming close to my ears, though.  I prefer fuzzy ears and will probably continue to do so.

I chased my buddies around the barnyard a few times.

She threw some snowballs at me when I chewed on the fence.

I knew that if I really gnawed away at that fence, I'd finally get some grain for dinner.  She's been feeding me only hay all winter.

Since I started my January chewing project, she has to feed me some grain along with that supplement called Quitt that miraculously makes us not want to chew up the place.  

Takes about a week to kick in, though, so I'm gonna really go after those boards and post tops.

I think all my work on her prized white fence looks kind of artful.

She doesn't. 

So, she throws snowballs and yells those obscenities.

I just look back at her and keep on chewing. 

Sometimes, though,  she hooks up the electric fence and we get some real zingers, but we pretty much know when she's got the fence charger on.

Winter here at the Lovestead hasn't been too bad this year, but I am kinda bummed about the recent ice patches that showed up around the barnyard.

That means I can't chase Lefty and Heather nearly as much as I want.

And, I think I'd kinda like to have it clear up so she'd take me out for a ride down the road.

I'm getting pretty tired of the same scenery all day long, except for when someone goes walking down the road or when she lets Festus, the cat,  out of the shop, and he goes running over to Meserve's.

At least, those distractions keep me from getting too bored.
Still, life hasn't been too bad, for winter here in North Idaho, and one of these days the green grass will start growing on the other side of the fence.

Then, I can quit gnawing on the boards and do my contortions to get down on my hooves and knees to nibble at the green stuff on the other side of the fence.

Guess that's all for now.  Life isn't too bad for a horse, especially when the sun shines and I get to run around completely naked.

Happy Sunday and Yours truly,


1 comment:

marilyn said...

aaahhhh, Lily, that was a very nice blog post today. You are such a pretty horse and you have a very nice life there in beautiful Sandpoint. Happy New Year to you.