Monday, January 03, 2011

Smorgasboard Sunday

This is Grouse Mountain.

No, those trees aren't gold. The sun was simply highlighting them about 2:30 yesterday afternoon.

Bill and I were just getting started with a snowshoeing venture when I snapped this shot.

We tromped around the woods and along Grouse Creek for about an hour.

The snow was perfect, and the scenes magnificent.

Only regret was that we started a little too late to get some great photos.

That was okay.  

The Grouse Creek adventure topped off a day of  memorable highlights for me.

The ZAGS game in the morning turned out to be a total pleasure to watch as Gonzaga played a strong second half, team-wise and score-wise to defeat Wake Forest.

And Stephen Gray is back, and is the team talent ever deep.  I think the rest of the season will bring on as much fun at ZAG watching as we've ever had.

I raced home from my sisters' house, put on my snow pants and boots, grabbed my camera and went to the fairgrounds where folks were gathering from all around to practice and watch skijoring.

Day by day, more people are getting acquainted with the sport and loving it.  

Next Sunday, there's another practice from 12-4, and I'm betting that if the weather cooperates, the contestants and crowd will only grow.  

And, the main event with its $2,000 purse is scheduled for Jan. 15-16 at the Sandpoint Winter Carnival.  

I snapped a few photos and visited with friends, some I hadn't seen in a long time.  So, that was enjoyable.

After the snowshoeing trip, with the dogs, we came home.  I whipped up some sloppy joes and tater salad, and we watched the Seahawks put in a winning effort.

Opinions are mixed on whether or not they should be in the playoffs with a losing season, but "there's always room for improvement" certainly rang true yesterday.

Bill says he's sticking with his Saints in next week's Seahawks-Saints matchup, cuz he figures they have a better chance of making it to the Super Bowl.

As for me, I'll support either team cuz I follow them both. 

I enjoyed my Sunday yesterday very much.  Full plate of offerings, and every one turned out just perfect in my mind. 

Happy Monday.

Enjoy the photos.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs. Love! This is Ryanne Pilgeram. I was prepping for a Race and Ethnic Relations class that I'm teaching in the spring and someone recommended a chapter from Whitopia--and guess whose favorite journalism teacher is featured? I hope all is well with you--and tell Annie "hello" for me!