Yup, I feel this morning like I'm viewing the day through a kaleidoscope---so many images of so many happenings on so many levels.
I know of certain people who started their day early and others who thought they started their day early but found out they were late.
Bill took off early this morning to give a speech at the Elks Club. He was the main speaker for the Boy Scouts' annual local awareness and fundraising breakfast.
Debbie is headed to the breakfast as I type. She called me enroute to tell me that she just learned the breakfast started at 7, not 7:30 as she had thought.
I asked her if she had watched the royal wedding. She said, "Yes."
"How much did you watch?" I asked.
"A lot of it," she said.
Well, she did better than Annie and me. Annie checked in on Facebook around 3 a.m., noted that "I've seen the dress; I'm going back to bed."
I watched the wedding twice during the night. First time was when Kate's mother and brother were escorted in the fancy black car by the motorcycle patrolman.
When they showed another car headed out, I decided watching cars going to the wedding with a blurry mind was not a good idea. So I turned it off and went back to sleep.
Later, I awakened about 3:30 in time for the minister to start his homily. I noted the Queen's yellow outfit and Kate's (now to be known as Catherine---I like that cuz it's my middle name) dress. It was elegant and very appropriate for her, I thought.
Then, I thought about the long day ahead, with Annie and her friends showing up here sometime before midnight tonight and our staying up too late after their arrival and needing to get up too early on Saturday morning----and I clicked off the remote. Back to sleep until 5.
When I came out of the bathroom from taking my bath and dressing, Bill had turned the TV on to watch the royal wedding. We both watched the two kisses and the overhead flight of the WWII planes before getting back into a routine.
So, the prince has married his princess. The Boy Scout speaker left in plenty of time. The Girl Scout rep will arrive at the Boy Scout breakfast fashionably late, and I'll start mucking out this house in preparation for company.
Off in Washington, D.C., at Arlington National Cemetery, today my oldest brother Mike is attending the memorial service for his 1966 West Point classmate John Wheeler III, the former Pentagon official who was brutally murdered a few months ago.
As yet, no clues about who is responsible or why.
Mike was expecting to see a substantial contingent of his classmates at the service.
And, speaking of the military, I'm leaving you today with a link to a very lovely, ironic story. The writer posted a note about this story on my website www.mariannelove.com guestbook last night.
It's a poignant story about his grandparents. He also used one of my feature stories from Sandpoint Magazine about Farragut Naval Training Station "Sailor's Ahoy" as a source: http://www.sandpointonline.com/sandpointmag/sms96/Farragut.html
So, I am very honored, especially because he penned such a lovely story.
So, I am very honored, especially because he penned such a lovely story.
So, on this Friday, please visit the link and enjoy.
Others have already told me it brought a smile to their day. Link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8006389/dying_woman_receives_a_picture_from.html?cat=41
Others have already told me it brought a smile to their day. Link: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8006389/dying_woman_receives_a_picture_from.html?cat=41
I recorded the wedding so I can watch at a decent hour and take out all the boring parts. But mostly so I can watch it with our 6 year old granddaughter, Kate (also known as Katherine.)
Thank you for your kind words about my article. Yahoo News picked it up today and it was on their front page! For awhile it was the #1 most e-mailed and viewed article of the day. Thanks for the help on Farragut. My grandpa didn't tell me much about it, except for his long travels to and from...
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