Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday Slighteth Spring

When proud pied April, dressed in all his trim,
Hath put a spirit of youth in every thing . . . . 

--William Shakespeare
Born:  April 23, 1564, Died April 23, 1616

Happy Birthday, dear William.  

We shall not talk about his death today because this is truly a day designed for awakening the senses and the hope of growth, both tangible and intangible. 

I said to Bill this morning that it is amazing how an early-morning appearance of a sun that intends to stay all day dramatically changes everything around us.
I do believe the birds are singing louder on this glorious April morning. 

My first trip to the barn on this day was filled with an extra dose of exhilaration.

A grand day lies ahead, and I'm sure that just about everyone who has felt so burdened with gray and wet and gloom for so long is experiencing some added adrenalin today.  

Truly a wonderful gift. 

That's the way I look at the pleasant weather after what has seemed like an endless pall.

Timing could not be better.

It's Easter weekend, and the hope that comes with the Easter celebration fits right in with Mother Nature's gift to us today.

Happy Saturday.  Happy Easter.

Enjoy all your God-given gifts.

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