Saturday, July 02, 2011

Saturday Slight

A perfect weekend.  Yup, that's what the weather's gonna do for us on this Fourth of July holiday celebration.  

Last year I rode Lily on the Wiley Knob trail up Grouse Creek on the Fourth of July.  On that ride, I wore four layers and felt a bit chilled occasionally.

This year the weekend will have clear skies and temperatures averaging from mid to high '70s.  Can't beat that.

Bill and I started off the weekend at a very crowded Second Avenue Pizza last night.  We did not have pizzas; we'll save that dinner for when the Aussies come.  Instead, he enjoyed a calzone, and I had my ultimate bacon sandwich.

Bill's calzone attracted the attention of a man at the table next to us.  First, he wondered what it was that Bill was eating; then he wondered if Bill could eat it all. Twenty years of coming from LA to Second Avenue Pizza, and he'd never seen their calzones.

Well, Bill ate the whole thing, and our new friend plans to order one next time he dines there.  

I've never seen the place so crowded, and I probably knew about five people there besides the staff.  Yes, Mrs. Gleason and Patti, you're included, and thanks so much for following my slight detours. 

We arrived home in time for a call from Debbie.  They were at Samuels on their way home from a day in Canada with their friends.  So, when they came to pick up the dogs, we enjoyed a nice visit.

That Love crowd has fishing on the agenda this morning.  Some of us had planned to join my sisters at a powwow in Arlee, Montana,  today, but the 6 a.m. departure time and all the chores with animals and gardens made me decide that staying home was a better option. 

We'll be content enjoy a little of this and a little of that and remain somewhat laid-back as the weekend winds on.  And, this magnificent weather will make it all the better. 

Yesterday was Canada Day, and Canada is especially enjoying its celebrations this year with the visit of Prince William and Kate.  

In fact, I learned in yesterday's paper that our Aussie visitors may get to see the couple when they attend the Calgary Stampede this next week.

Polly, who's my correspondent from Southwest Australia, said it's nice that the Prince and his wife will be there to welcome them to Canada.  I think so too!

I also think my education will be greatly enhanced when these gals visit us in a few days.  In fact, I've already has received a preview of what's to come in the communicating department.

The night before last I sent a short note, asking Polly (who has Appaloosas) if she'd ever heard the name Harold Tibbs and of the stallion Toby I.  I finished off the query, telling her that Harold was my stepfather.

Well, Polly was "gobsmacked," she said.  

She was gobsmacked cuz her horses have Toby I bloodlines, and, yes, she's heard of Harold Tibbs. Might even have a picture.  

And, her friend Joyce, who's coming and who also has Appaloosas with Toby bloodlines, will probably be gobsmacked too. 

The world is getting smaller, Polly wrote.  

It's been fun over the years just to mention Harold's and Toby's names to Appaloosa fans and to hear the reaction from people all over the world.  For a guy who hardly left the ranch, that's quite an achievement.   

Next weekend we'll be giving away the seventh belt buckle for the most versatile horse in his and Toby's honor at the Spots of Fun Open Horse Show.  Harold's legacy lives on . . . . 

Anyway, I'm figuring on being gobsmacked a time or two during the Aussie visit and figuring for sure that my vocabulary is going to take on some fun new words and phrases.

And, it works both ways.  Maybe some Aussies will take home some unique North Idaho vernacular to share with their friends.  I'll be gol-durned if they don't!

Well, the outside chores are calling, so I'll sign off and wish everyone a happy Saturday.  

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