Tuesday, November 29, 2011

True Tweets for Tuesday

WSU football coach Paul Wulff deserves to keep his job through his full contract.  

I wonder what Herman Cain's wife is thinking.  Could it be "Mirror, mirror on the wall . . . ?"

Does anyone think the person on Facebook who's in 8851st place for a chance to win an ipad has a chance?  If so, get on there and vote!
The Republican Party is now down to the "Newt" and the "Mitt."  Does that mean a Newtmitt for President or a MittNewt?   Just wondering. 

Now that Willie's coaching season has begun (first game tonight at Timberlake), we get to say "Go Bulldogs" an average four times a week, twice for Sandpoint, twice for Gonzaga.  

Go Bulldogs!  That takes care of Tuesday.

Today's Solstice Countdown:  23.90.  

Today's Christmas shopping list count:  5
Today's bucket list headliners:  stamps on cards, Christmas ghostletter, mailing labels on cards.

Today's brain cell count:  next to nothing; therefore . . .
. . . I'm gonna tweet on slightdetour throughout this day, so check back.  

Cougars are saying good bye to a Wulff.  Sad.  

Today's bucket list is moving along, slowly. 

Will be off to Spirit Lake tonight to yell, "Go Bulldogs" some more.

Herman's wife may just be raising a little Cain today, or may be using a cane---and not as a walking aid. 


Anonymous said...

Don't know when you counted Perry out...last I knew, he was still in...as far as I know, his closet contains no skeletons...


Anonymous said...

Good to know MJB reads your blog.... Perry was out a while back - didn't need any skeletons....