Sunday, December 18, 2011

New-olds and Apps-titude

There's not a lot on my mind this morning, but there's plenty on my plate.
And, that includes the daily rounds to see that all the plates for all the animals that hang around here are well-stocked.
If you feed them, they will come, and we're thrilled with our population of chicadees, finches and woodpeckers. 
I think I'm in for good times over the winter with the new-old telephoto, if this shot is any indication of how upclose and personal I can get without disturbing a bird while it's grabbing the next bite. 
Fun stuff, for sure.
As of yesterday, I'm also engaged in gleaning new Apps-titudes. 
While returning from my sisters' house where we watched yesterday's phenomenal ZAGS victory, I noticed a note flashing on my cell-phone screen.
It wanted me to know that that text I'd feebly sent to Debbie, telling her that the ZAGS "wonbig" had not sent. 
Seemed kinda strange, but I figured I'd resend it when I got to the house.
Well, once inside, Bill announced to me that my cell phone as no longer in service.
So, that explained the techno-communications breakdown----well, part of it, that is.
The reason it was no longer in service came out of a box on his desk.
"I got you a new phone," he said, bringing it over to the island.
Well, Steve Jobs, I now feel a real connection!
Bill bought me an iphone and gave it to me early as a Christmas present.
Too many complications were associated with taking this chip out of that phone and putting it in another phone and then taking it out again on Christmas Day.
So, my iphone and I are getting acquainted. 
I've told everyone in my family numerous times that I did not need such a thing because of knowing my addictive self too well.
Bill says his motive for getting the phone is that when we're up in the woods somewhere and I want to check in with outside happenings, I can do so.
I think he rather likes knowing what's going on with Facebook and world events---only he prefers this knowledge once removed.  
Better to have Marianne the techno junkie while he remains a purist. 
I function as the operator and the messenger, and Bill likes knowing the stuff.
I guess that will work for me, once I figure out how to operate the phone.
So far, I have practiced with text messaging and actually dealt with a couple of calls, including a return call from Marla who owns the Ponderay Carwash just off HWY 95.
She wanted to make it right, so to speak.
Last Saturday, something in their machines had a glitch causing the carwash not to work.
A friend happened to be there with her cell phone, so she called the number to report both of us putting in money but not getting our vehicles washed.
Well, Marla called and asked, "How much did you put in and what's your address; I'll be sending you a refund.
I told Marla I was impressed----especially when I found out she's also a teacher at Borah Elementary in Hayden.
It's nice when folks in business make good on such situations. 
Anyway, back to my new phone.  There's plenty to learn about it.
Fortunately, we have "experts" here in the family, so I'm doubting a written tutorial will be necessary.
Of course, I'm sure it won't be long before a geocaching "app" gets added.  
Then, we'll have a really good reason for taking the phone along with us to the woods so we can go find geocaches and so Marianne can check her Facebook and let Bill know what's going on in the world.  
Anyway, this morning I'm an Apple, and proud of it.
Oh, yeah, I'm a PC,  too,  cuz I couldn't tell you I'm an Apple without the help of my PC. 
Got that???
Happy Sunday! 

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