Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday Twitterdeedumbsnow

I didn’t mind this morning’s dump of Christmas-card snow until my Internet went off.
Shoveling a pathway to the barn was fairly easy.  The snow stopped falling by the time I finished the morning chores. 

Looked like it was just gonna be a pretty snow---one which we need to enjoy while it's here.
The weather folks are telling us to get ready for two days of rain, so it’s possible our morning blanket will be gone in no time.

Anyway, when you’re wearing your comfortable new slippers, when you fix up a fresh cup of latte, sit down at the computer, ready to write--------and the Internet’s off----disorder and cussing rule the moment.

Go put on the boots, dig into the snow looking for that dead mop top wrapped with a bath towel and climb the wet ladder to clean off the satellite dish.
The tech guy, while installing our HD dish the other day, implied that spraying WD-40 or PAM on the dish is purely myth.
I didn’t want to argue with him, knowing that a friend who lives out there in bigger snow country than we do, swears by the WD-40.
As of yet, I've not applied any WD-40, so I went out, got wet while cleaning off the dish, came back in and found the Internet still doesn’t work. 

Another trip may be necessary before I post on the blog this morning.
Anyway, it’s Tuesday Twitterdeeday, so just tidbits today.
Annie just got up; she's watching a movie.  Bill left for work about 15 minutes ago.  
Willie, Debbie and the grandpups probably hit the hay in the wee hours this morning.  They were in the Tri-Cities around 8 so they still had quite a drive ahead of them.

Willie will be crawling out soon to drive into town for basketball practice.  Later, today we’ll enjoy their extended Christmas as they open presents. 
And, tonight we’ll probably do Second Avenue Pizza for that all-important “family bonding” and another phenomenal eating experience----as if we needed that this time of year.
I'll be glad when people quit showing up for visits so I can put the cookie plates away.  They're much too tempting during those walks through the kitchen.
As a result, I'm checking my pedometer more than ever.  Mine doesn't tell how many calories I burn, just how many steps I'm taking.  
The nice thing about the pedometer is that it keeps us from lying to ourselves.  The numbers tell the story when we've bit slugging on the couch too much.  
A pedometer serves as a conscience of sorts---reminding us to get off that couch and to start moving. 
Unfortunately, though,  it has no GPS and does not instruct me on what direction to go, so I can't break the routine of walking past the island filled with cookies. 
You'd think pedometers would get smarter, if we can have smart phones that fart 16 different styles for us!
Yup, that app is now on my new phone, and, yup, we've had some good laughs. 
I'm smiling. The Internet works.  That means I'm gonna call it a day and post this bunch of babble.  
Then, I'll probably get up and do a bunch of walking so I can earn a cookie.

Happy Tuesday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What do you mean we have to "earn" a cookie? Are cookies a right under our constitution? :)