Sunday, January 01, 2012

A Fun Adieu . . . Happy New Year to You!

It was an all-day party, as far as I'm concerned.
We feasted on worn-out Christmas cookies, ice cream birthday cake, enchiladas, pizza, and almond M & M's,  along with a full plate of peaceful, quiet splendor in the Kootenai Valley. 
Doggies had a good day running up and down hills, checking on their peeps and sniffing countless scent spots. 
Peeps carried cameras and guns. 
Shooting netted at least 500 images---no pheasants.
We never really connected with Bill, although we could see his bright-orange garb nearly a mile away as he tried to flush out a rooster pheasant.  Only hens were making appearances yesterday.
As for my sisters and me, we moved slowly along the dike at the north end of the Nature Conservancy, simply taking in the moments and taking pictures of all angles, lighting, and subjects.
The subjects, including dogs, were pretty cooperative.  Those mountains to the east put on some great shows as the sun lit 'em up to showcase their snowcaps and cool blues.
The river did okay too, providing us continuing colorful reflections of dormant cottonwoods and leafless bushes. 
We still haven't figured out why that huge, bushy spruce sits out there all by itself alongside the dike.  
We were on a schedule yesterday and sadly left the vast preserve, hurrying back to Sandpoint to feed animals, grab goodies and pick up our mother for the ZAGS game.
My sister Barbara couldn't have asked for a better birthday with her bounty of gorgeous pictures and that phenomenal victory which the ZAGS posted over Xavier. 
Lots of whoopin' and hollerin' every time the ball swished through the basket---on the ZAGS side that is.   
We sang "Happy Birthday" to Barbara and enjoyed pieces of her cookies and creme ice cream cake.
Each of our groups took home framed ZAGS patches, compliments of Debbie. 
Mother enjoyed a great day.  We took her home, came home ourselves and, in this household did no whoopin' and hollerin' at midnight.
We were sound asleep and content that we'd ushered out 2011 in style!
Now it's a new day and a new year, and all I've got to say this morning is "Bring it on!"
Happy New Year.  Enjoy the pictures. 

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