My pedometer fell on the floor yesterday, and the battery popped out. That was after I'd already taken about 3,000 steps.
When the battery popped out, the pedometer flipped back to square one---0.
At first, I just laid it on the bathroom counter, somewhat disgusted, and walked off.
Within seconds, however, I could sense a mild feeling of disappointment taking over my mind.
After all, I had just taken ten steps---ten uncounted, unrecorded steps.
For me, techno-addiction once more takes over common sense.
I tried to remain strong, going about my usual business, but the gnawing thought of taking all those unrecorded steps eventually drove me right back to the bathroom to get that pedometer working again.
Probably a couple of hundred steps had already gone unrecorded during the pedometer lapse.
Probably a couple of hundred steps had already gone unrecorded during the pedometer lapse.
I picked up the pedometer, took it to the kitchen, and ten more unrecorded steps later, my life was back to the new norm, a norm established when I first purchased the pedometer before Christmas.
Having the pedometer back in action meant working hard all day to walk and walk and walk some more.
I gave myself those 3,000 steps taken before pedometer breakdown. Even then, I kept wondering if I might have really taken 3,123 steps.
Fortunately, I could let the possible loss of recorded steps go.
This walking to satisfy a machine has been a good thing, albeit a little crazy.
It bothered me the day before yesterday when Bill came home and said he'd already recorded around 15,000 steps on his pedometer while I was at a mere 6,000.
He had taken the car into the shop for maintenance, so while waiting he walked from Rokstad Ford to Home Depot and back. That walk will rack up a lot of steps, I'll tell you.
His announcement signaled a lot more work for me that day, but I caught up, almost, ending my day with 15,372.
Football games on TV for Bill to watch as a couch potato helped out in that challenge.
It's a little insane to be ruled by a piece of technology.
I grant that, but I must also report that my moods have been much better since I started walking the talk.
My body must be happy with all the activity. Plus, I make myself get outside to breathe fresh air a lot more than usual for January.
Mother Nature, of course, has helped this along, allowing us to walk on bare ground rather than to trudge through deep snow.
At night, while trying to sleep, I have noticed a few more aches and pains in my knees, but during the day, the knees shut up and let me take off to enjoy the next brisk stroll down the road or through the fields with the dogs.
Today some guests from Arizona will join me at one of the Fish and Game areas in the Pack River area.
I'm figuring on not having to check the pedometer too often on this day cuz the steps will mount up without much extra effort.
And, I figure my body will continue to benefit from my obsession with the pedometer.
Besides, having to walk keeps me from spending too much time sitting in front of the computer.
So, in my case, one addiction trumps another and that is good.
Oh, by the way, yesterday's total: 14,132.
Happy Wednesday.
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