Sunday, March 11, 2012

No-Speed Wireless at the Travelodge

I'm publishing this much of today's blog just to let you know we're alive and well in Ephrata, Wash., not too far from the spectacular Dry Falls geological site.
The "high-speed" wireless at this motel has a bit of a tortoise effect:  slow and unsteadily it does not go.  So, there's no guarantee I'll be able to post an entire entry.
Bill says it coulda been worse.  We were scheduled to be in a room that might have had better wireless, but----the toilet seat got broken by the guests from the night before.
And, if there's anything more important in my life than having workable technology, it's a workable toilet seat.  So, I guess I can't complain too much.
I'll make the effort but if this place becomes totally unwired, you'll know what happened.
Back with more if the system decides to work.
We drove over to Ephrata yesterday to attend an open house, honoring the memory of my cousin Madalyn's husband Doug who passed away several days ago.
Doug's family had put together an impressive program of photographs set to his favorite music for all to enjoy.
Besides that, many, many cousins from around the Northwest showed up so we had some nice visits with folks we say maybe every five years if we're lucky.
We may visit with some of them again this morning before heading back to Sandpoint.  Bill has a few fishing lakes he wants to scout out on our way back.
We're so appreciative of Willie and Debbie for taking care of the critters in our absence.  It's nice to get away "together" for a change.  Cousin photos below.
My cousin Carol of the Waltho clan
My cousin Lauri, second from right.

Cousins Rita and Loretta with a friend
My cousin George Waltho, Jr.
Madalyn was a gracious host as friends and family gathered in Doug's memory.
Mike, Mary, Bill and Sue with my cousin Rita's husband and their son and daughter-in-law.
Whenever I get together with this pair, it's dangerous.  Sue and Patti have been a team of sisters as long as I've known them.  As the years go by, we're chalking up some good memories and plenty of healthy chuckles to go along with them.
My cousin Loretta on the left and my cousin George's wife Kathy ( I think it's Kathy--too many names to memorize yesterday). Loretta is the oldest of the Waltho siblings in Ephrata but not as OLD as I am.

1 comment:

Dena said...

I have visited Dry Falls several times and am amazed each time. The Missoula Floods just fascinate me and I have attended several lectures and even went on a tour of the local ice age area. In fact, I was thinking that you might find the Ice Age Institute's tours interesting, I know they have one planned for up in your area next month.