Saturday, June 30, 2012

Faces from a Full Friday

As usual, I can't see all the photos I've posted.  All but the bottom photo were scenes at yesterday's Byway dedication.  
I think most folks who attended were happy that the Byway is finally completed, but there may have been a few silent groans when the announcement came that its opening will be "soon."  
Well, we've seen "soon" before, as in weather reports promising the sun.
We're also resilient; in fact, I'm betting if they ever had a contest for America's Most Resilient Community, Sandpoint and the surrounding area would win it hands down.
So, we know the Byway will open during this calendar year, and we'll be happy.
I noticed that the majority of the crowd yesterday had gray hair---'cept for me, of course.  I'd just come from the hairdresser with my new zap.
Anyway, my conclusion was that young people didn't feel the need to show up in mass; after all, they haven't been waiting since 1953.
Some did, though, and the young man with the Joel's burrito offered me a bite.  That would be Kaleb Keaton, star of my story in Lessons with Love, entitled "She Taught the Pope?"
It was great to see Kaleb and his parents, Kim and Julie.
Twas also good to see next year's editor of the Cedar Post, Tyson Bird, with his mom Mary and little brother Conner.  As I said, some young folks had more on their minds than a Byway, but Tyson was definitely there to observe history. 
That photo of three official looking types includes Susan "Sweet Pea" Kiebert (head cheerleader for the Byway), the lead designer who came up with the blue light and police chief Mark Lockwood.
Two former mayors flank the lady with the pooch.  That would be Sally Cupan, Rose Chaney and her hubby Ron.  Both Ron and Sally served as Sandpoint's mayor.  Several other mayors were in the crowd too.
The bottom photo shows a group of dear friends, most of whom were teaching colleagues.  I could actually write a book about my experiences with these folks.  Some came from out of town for a day or two, so we got together at The Hydra last night for dinner.  
I did go to the first hour of "The Music Man" and thoroughly enjoyed the acting, singing and dancing. 
We've had another little family catastrophe, which happened yesterday, and it was weighing heavily on my mind as were my eyelids.  You see I'm usually in bed by 9 p.m.

Anyway, my sister broke her ankle after falling from her horse.  To say it's suddenly turned into a sad summer for Laurie,  who waits all year to compete with her horses, would be a big understatement.
So, we'll all do our best to bring her some cheer and to help them out during this new time of challenge.
Never a dull moment. 
Happy Saturday. 


Anonymous said...

so really...all that hoopla for naught. WHY did they even bother to have a ceremony?? It is like having everyone over for Christmas and letting them LOOK at the presents and then sending them home. But hey, your hair looked nice!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment. Why cover a non-event? This was an opportunity to socialize.