Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Just Streamin'

Seems like that kind of morning:  a maze of thoughts getting halfway to their destination, then abruptly deflecting to another topic.  

For starters, there's the elk story told by daughter-in-law on Facebook last night.  It's the "gee, I can't believe I almost hit an elk" tag line.  

I'll learn the rest of the story when Debbie brings the dogs this morning.  

I'm glad she missed the elk or that the elk missed her.  

Debbie has dodged a lot of wildlife during her many late-night travels from Girl Scout activities in Eastern Washington.

Her near elk encounter takes me to the story last Friday when Willie showed up, amazed at what he'd just seen.   

One field on Selle Road, near the Selle Valley Bright Beginnings School, was filled with deer AND elk, while the rest of the elk herd was grazing in the next field over.

Both herds, not minding their togetherness,  were happily grazing just on the other side of the fence right next to the busy country road.  

On our way into town a few minutes later, we and other approaching cars had to stop while a mama and some baby deer crossed to the north.  

The wildlife are definitely keeping us on our toes.

And, that brings me to the thoughts I have in the morning while walking down our country roads in the dark.

This morning I almost jumped out of my clothes while on Selle Road. I turned my head and saw something very bright---right behind me.

Fortunately, I had the presence of mind to sneak another peek.  Turns out that bright thing was just streaks for light on the pavement coming from Murray's yard light through the trees.

I've had some close calls out there in the mornings----some of it my wild imagination eventually soothed with the thoughts that those black things out in the fields do not move and that they're most likely stumps. 

I've memorized where most of the stumps are located, so that's one less item to set off my adrenalin.

It's not the wildlife or the stumps that have almost gotten me.  

It's the cars.  

Twice, I've had close calls.  In both cases, the cars have been driving down the wrong side of the road.  

Sometimes I walk on the wrong side of the road, just to make sure I'm far out of the way for oncoming vehicles.  But when I guess wrong, it gets scary.

One morning this week I was walking by a home, and the dog knew I was out there.  Low warning barks from up on the hillside told me it would be nice to get out of its sniffing distance.

Eventually, the dog was silent as I walked further down the road.  I worried that it would start up again on my way back.

That concern was deflected, however, when a car turned off from Selle Road, came my way and then stopped, leaving its motor running.

Someone got out.  As I walked closer and closer to its headlights, it sounded as if the unknown driver had opened up the hatch back of the car.

Then, I heard a hammer pounding. 

As I approached the car, the driver got in and drove off.  I did see him briefly when his dome light was on.

He was driving through the neighborhood, putting up signs for a county sheriff candidate.

I thought to myself---is he scared to do that in the daylight?  

Have we gone so far that people genuinely worry about the consequences of being seen supporting a candidate----in this "land of the free" ? 

Just a random thought but certainly something to chew upon. 

Time to stream on . . . . a heads up to locals and to everyone who loves Sandpoint and its history.  Be looking for Beyond the Sand Creek Bridge by Sandpoint native Scott Wyatt.

General story line of this historical novel based on early Sandpoint, according to the back cover:  the sheriff is murdered and found beneath the Sand Creek Bridge.

A Chinese railroad worker is charged with the murder.  A new lawyer in town will defend the worker---but then, the client's fiancee arrives in town.

Sounds to me like a love triangle brews.  

You'll have to read "the rest of the story" when the book comes out in a few weeks.  

Good luck to Scott.  Hope his novel makes the New York Times Bestseller list.  

I know I'll buy a copy to help that happen.  

More to come on Scott's book as the information unfolds.

Guess that's enough streaming for one morning.  My stream runneth over. 

Happy Wednesday.


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