Friday, October 26, 2012
Unavailable and Unstressed in Political Season
It's the "call of the fall," so to speak.
"Unknown name . . . unknown number . . . not answering!"
I've uttered that announcement at least three-four times a day since the 2012 political season heated up sometime during the winter, spring----or was it the summer?
The decision to ignore all calls from unknown sources has provided me a sense of peace unlike no other in recent election years.
Oh, I do have to stop what I'm doing to walk to the phone to see who's calling, but I don't mind the physical activity nearly as much as picking up the phone, saying hello and hearing some strange voice at the other end greet me with "Mr. Love?"
The first clue has instantly emerged that I DON'T want to talk to this person.
Other calls prior to my "DO NOT ANSWER" decision have featured polished pros who friendly up with fakey familiarity, greeting me on a first name basis---as if we've been pals forever.
I've fallen for this at times and have given the benefit of the doubt, remaining on the phone, figuring I'd better play nice in case this really IS someone I know.
These slick telemarketing saps, however, soon reveal themselves and soon thereafter, my blood pressure rises while the phone goes down.
I finally reached a point of realizing that responding to these calls was just plain not good for my health.
So, I announced to Bill a while back that from now on, I'm not answering if the Caller ID window fails to tell me that this really is a genuine friend, family or business-related call.
It's been bliss almost every day since, even though I do wonder who that "unavailable" is who called several mornings almost the instant I finished writing my blog.
Is my computer space bugged?
There have been a few times when Bill inadvertently picks up the phone and then says, "It's for you."
Seconds later, some unknown, representing the ?%*@^ campaign, who's managed to slither through the gauntlet, starts in with the usual annoying spiel.
Seconds after that, I'm walking away, reminding Bill of the importance of looking at the Caller ID.
He's getting pretty well-trained.
Sometimes I wonder what fun I may have missed by refusing to answer all these calls.
How many light bulb sales? Coulda used a call like that, considering the fact that both garage light bulbs died in the last 24 hours.
Aside: I learned from an electrical company employee last week that it's important to buy light bulbs with a higher voltage than what the power company pumps into your house.
So, next time a light-bulb sales person calls, I'll ask for 130-volt bulbs.
Back to Business: How many opportunities have I bypassed to improve the interest rate on my mortgage?
Never mind that I don't have a mortgage.
During this selective answering ban, have I possibly given up a chance to visit with a long-lost relative or an old friend who's decided to call out of the blue?
I'm figuring that when the election is over Nov. 6, the light bulbs, mortgage-interest deals, distant relatives and even missing friends can still punch in our number.
So, until then, it's relative bliss looking at the "unknown caller-unknown number" in the window and remaining "unavailable."
How many days left???????????
I hear the phone ringing! :)
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Same scenario at our house and I wonder at how many others. We have to protect our own sanity!!!
Phil quit answering a year ago. Glad to know I am not alone.
Still following you, Marianne.(No facebook or other stuff.)
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