Sunday, September 21, 2014

On the Run . . . .


I found myself instantly on the run this morning when I looked at the clock AND it was 5:27 a.m., almost an hour later than I usually get up.

And on this morning of “the run” aka the Scenic Half Marathon where I’m to help Debbie and her crew hand out water at a station north of town, jumping out of bed almost an hour late, put me into full gear immediately.

It’s working out, as I skipped the usual morning walk, allowing enough time to read the papers and to do the blog.

The rest of the morning will be spent, standing alongside Sand Creek, handing over water and playing cheerleader to half marathoners, who, I’m told, will be pretty spent by the time they reach our station.

Willie just came to pick up his sunglasses, which he will be wearing while doing a 10K along with my brother Mike and Mike's daughter Laura. 

Last night Swiss Miss and I spent some time with a race organizer when we joined Mike and Laura at the Thompson cabin.

Judy Thompson, one of my "outlaws,"  has been with the Scenic Marathon since the beginning, so it was neat to hear about some of the behind-the-scenes planning, including the fact that the area probably won’t ever have a full marathon because of railroad crossings.

That’s okay.  

I’m sure the 5 and 10k and the half marathoners will always come anyway; Judy says 900 have signed up to run the different phases of today’s event.

I posted some photos from yesterday this morning.  

The shot of Kea could be representative of most any day here at the Lovestead, several times a day, in fact.  

Kea loves to wrap herself around my legs,  look longingly with her beautiful brown eyes into my eyes and wait for that acknowledgement:  Yes, I do love you very much, Kea.

She knows how to melt a heart and often.

And, Miss Lily was simply enjoying her day of grazing in the hay field.  That was before saddle-up time, and 

I must say once again that Miss Lily enjoys Swiss Miss.  The two have become instant friends, and Lily especially enjoyed her rub down after taking Swiss Miss for yet another ride yesterday afternoon.

On this trip, Lefty and I went along too.  We plodded through the woods and the hay field before heading down the road, talking a mile a minute, and stopping off to visit with neighbors.

At the Meserve Preserve, Becky, Guy and his wife Annie were helping Geneva celebrate her 85th birthday.  Happy Birthday, Geneva.  You're lookin' great!

We also visited with some new neighbors up the road who have a daughter that loves horses.  So, there was some more nose patting and just plain neighborhood enjoyment. 

I don't know if the horses will get ridden today because of the busy morning.  I do know, however, that this beautiful, breezy Sunday promises another day of outdoor enjoyment. 

Happy Sunday.   

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