This is the winter weather I love: cold, sunny and no wind. The last day in November (Mark Twain's birthday, by the way) exemplified the best of winter days, as far as I'm concerned.
I'm thinking the only part I didn't like was sliding the barn door shut.
Our ground heaves when it gets cold, and on some mornings and nights every ounce of brute strength in my body gets spent trying to close or open that door.
When it's really cold, just opening or closing door can take up to five or ten minutes, along with a shovel or an ice pick and maybe a little cursing.
Door shutting and closing is just moderately difficult in our present weather, however, so no real complaining.
I especially like this weather, with just a dusting of snow on the ground, because we can still walk pretty much wherever we wish and we don't have to worry about slipping on the ice.
I walked the fence line of our place yesterday with my camera and then veered off from more afternoon baking and Christmas-card duty to go for a drive with little Foster, looking for photos.
I found my first shot on the north-south branch of Sunnyside Road at Lippert's farm. The mules were in their pasture, relaxing and quietly soaking up the sun. They weren't exactly in to posing too much for the camera, but one looked my way a couple of times.
Then, Foster and I stopped at the Fish and Game property on the main Sunnyside Road and walked a few of the trails. I had forgotten how far the lake is drawn down this time of year, but, of course, with frozen ground, that allows walking where we normally do not go.
It was a pretty quiet stroll except for a few gun blasts up on the mountain above Sunnyside. I keep thinking of Bambi when I hear those. Maybe they were the last we'll hear with deer season ending today.
Evidence of last summer's extreme blow downs reminded me of how devastating those few minutes during the three storms was.
I later drove up on Sunnyside hill, only to feel saddened once more of the damage to a tranquil, beautiful area.
Today looks pretty much the same as yesterday, only with less sun and probably less temptation to put aside the "to do" items. So, that's probably a good thing.
Happy Monday.
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