Saturday, December 27, 2014

Wondrous Winter Day: Selle and Farragut

Morning in Selle

Afternoon at Farragut

Nuthin' better after consuming all those calories for several days than to get outside amidst the beauty and burn 'em off. 

While taking in wondrous sights yesterday, I think we all hoped that we might give away a few ounces of holiday fat.  

My outside day started with a walk down Selle Road in the brilliant morning sunshine.  The combination of sun, blue sky, artistic clouds and snow-capped mountains provided more than enough endorphins to send the soul into an supreme ecstasy no pill could do.

Twas an upbeat day from start to finish, especially with a portion of the family getting together down at Farragut.  

We did not expect to see eagles, but we did.  They were spending their time soaring along their flight path from Bayview to the goat mountains on the east side of Lake Pend Oreille's Scenic Bay.

Treats enough lay scattered all along the shoreline for eagles or any other fish-eating critters.  No problem finding these dead Kokanee cuz they put of an odor strong enough to send us further away from the shore. 

I almost stepped on one. 

Our group carried cameras with big lenses, cell phone cameras with fish eye lenses and binocs.  

Adding to the fun was the fact that our younger brother Jim had never been to Farragut.  I have a feeling he'll return, like we all do year after year, season after season. 

We've formed many great memories in the place, including Bill and my first-ever meeting back in 1973.  

Yesterday tales of that personal event and other significant events which have occurred over the decades at that fabulous piece of real estate next to that fabulously beautiful lake added to the sheer enjoyment of taking in the peaceful, picturesque setting. 

Definitely a good day in the neighborhood and at one of the many beautiful neighborhoods we enjoy so much.  

Happy Saturday.  GO ZAGS!


peppylady (Dora) said...

Nice photos sure hope 2015 is bright and beautiful for you.

Coffee is on

Philip said...


That Farragut picture with the clouds surrounding the mountains is just wondrous!

Here come more new Idahoans.
