Friday, January 16, 2015

Snowy Friday

The photos are sights seen before on this blog, but I was trying out my new polarizer filter which finally came in the mail yesterday.  

Once I learn how to adjust it correctly, no more blah, colorless skies.  

Photography does take some skill and an eye, but so much more can be said for equipment. Having camera equipment that does the little extras or the big extras that come with big lenses is definitely a plus.

So, I'm anxious to see if my upcoming scenic images have an added touch of clarity and color.  Time and practice will tell. 

For now, I really like the sky in the top picture.  The others are okay but not spectacular, and, of course, it's always fun to post a photo of Meserve's barn, especially for their family members who do not live in Sandpoint.  

This morning's outdoor scenery in this semi-darkness is much more spectacular than yesterday's.  We have at least five inches of new snow, which kept us busy this morning with shoveling, blowing and plowing.

The driveway is open as are the paths to the barn and the barnyard.  I just heard a roar off from the roof and that makes sense.  When I went to get the papers, the snow had turned to rain, so we'll have a lot of rumbling as it slides off the roofs. 

By the time daylight comes, I'm sure that much of the scenic display from last night's snowfall will be washed away. And, then comes the mess with plowing and shoveling---heavy, heavy snow. 

Oh, well, it's January, and, happily, we're just about at the down side of one of my least favorite months. 

And, how 'bout those ZAGS.  We need a nail biter every so often, and we certainly got one last night.  

The ending is what counts, though, and like other teams who are on the receiving end of hopeful giant killers, it was close, but No. 3 in the nation came out on top.  

Let's see:  17-1.  Not bad. Good luck to the ZAGS tomorrow when they play Loyola Marymount. 

Dogs are barking outside, so I'd better go check to see what's up. 

Happy Friday. 

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