Thursday, April 23, 2015

Throwback Thursday

Judy Hunt (former French teacher at Sandpoint High), Myra Lewis (business instructor) and Shirl the Pearl Parker, English teacher.

On a side note, Judy was directly responsible for the Love's hosting now Dr. Romain Ollivier, for three different summers back in the '90s.  Romain became a noted cardiologist who has a practice in Luxembourg.

During her stay in Sandpoint, Judy also spurred me into a wonderful project with my honors English students.   The result:  several dozen biographies of local longtime citizens, which appear in the first Beautiful Bonner history book.

It was a fantastic, long term assignment, and I can distinctly remember cheerleading those students and reminding them that their work would last for a long, long time.  Thanks, Judy. 

Rick and Ann Gehring, yours truly, and a very nice German couple.  They wrote a big long note on the back of the picture, but I'm gonna have to get a translation.  Here's one line with hopes that I got all the correct letters:   Es war cine schone spontane Bekanntsosaft, wir hatten setr viel spap. 

Two first names friend:  Merriam Merriman and Marianne. 

Edna, Ann, Kathy and Marianne and Lord knows what they were drinking:  chardonnay for me, thank you!  I think this photo was taken at the lodge which no longer stands at the former Hidden Lakes Golf Club.

The beautiful lodge burned down a few years ago, and the golf resort is now known as Idaho Club.


I'm running a little slow on the draw this morning.  Don't know why, just behind schedule, but it's looking like a great day ahead on this Throwback Thursday. 

My theme today involves teacher friends and, in all cases, good times had by all.  

One day several years ago when Judy Hunt was still in town (and Lord knows how many miles of this Earth she's traveled since), some of us went up to our colleague and good friend Myra Lewis' ranch in Clark Fork.  

It was a cross country skiing day, and I think we even added a snowmobile ride on a road above Myra's.  I just remember distinctly a "note to self" not to go snowmobiling without a lot of strong men around.  Snowmobiling, I learned that day, is not as easy as it looks.

But the cross country skiing was great, as it always is when Myra invites folks to her place. Myra is also a hospitality queen.  I can remember many, many good times with faculty friends at Lewises' place over the years. 

The second photo was taken by a professional photographer at Pat O' Brien's in New Orleans.  

That's when a trio of SHS teacher couples skipped town and played over Spring Break.  What happened in New Orleans mainly stayed there, but not this picture.  

As you may notice, ALL the said couples don't appear in the photo.  

While Rick and Ann Gehring and I went inside Pat O'Brien's for a Hurricane and became new best friends with a German couple, my well-behaved hubby Bill and the other well-behaved couple, Tom and Sharon Walton, stood in line (saving our place) at Preservation Hall.  

It's apparent what was foremost in the minds of each couple.  Some of us had double enjoyment cuz the Hurricanes were good and so was the music.  

My friend Merriam Merriman (yes, the lady with two first or last names) and I were partners in crime (good crimes) for a number of years.  Merriam helped start the Sandpoint High Parents and Friends when her daughter Megan was attending Sandpoint High.

She later taught Spanish at the high school.  My fondest memories of Merriam involve selling Gooby Beefsticks and checking the booths at Connie's before telling a good story (it's important because sound can travel and it's easy in Sandpoint for someone eavesdrop and know exactly whom you're talking about).  So, checking the booths around you is a must!

Finally, and probably my favorite memory with Merriam are the many "gotchas" I pulled while making prank phone calls to her.  She fell for every single one, even the one when I called and pretended to be a high-up official from Stanford University where her daughter graduated. 

Merriam now lives in Western Washington, but she and husband Larry came over for a visit a few years ago, and, of course, were inducted into the Lovestead Lodgepole Society. 

All I've gotta say about the last photo is that we have to do this again. Time for a lunch date, ladies.  We've enjoyed several gatherings over the years, including those at a crazy book club where Kathy and Ann are members. 

Edna lives in my neighborhood and I see her maybe once a year!  

So, it's time.  Let's do lunch.  

Looking at these photos reminds me how much our faculty friends are a part of our lives forever----just like family.  

So, that's enough for this Throwback Thursday.  Hope you enjoyed the reminiscing and do some of your own.

Happy Thursday, and Happy Birthday, William.  Shakespeare, that is.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to Cervantes, too! :)