Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Caribou Creek up the Pack

Upper Pack River near the old Edna and Buck's establishment. 

Look directly into the face of a bear-grass bloom, and this is what you get.

Intricate work of nature, to say the least.  Lookin' like a good bear-grass year. 

Why do I think this photo looks like Bigfoot dressed up like Bill?

Caribou Creek

Angler at dusk off the Pack River Bridge near Edna and Buck's. 

First, the non pictures:  cinnamon bear, snowshoe rabbit, first fawn of the year. 

Yup, Bill and I saw all three last night on our drive up Pack River and then Caribou Creek.

The bear bounded across the road so fast that I could not get my lens outside the window in time to snap a shot. It was a pretty bear in plump condition but not so plump to slow it down as it zipped into the woods.

I yelled at the bear and asked it to come back.  

Brave me! 

As Bill said, the safety of the pickup brings on the bravado.

The snow shoe rabbit with its white booties hopped along pretty quickly too.  We saw it soon after almost hitting the bear as we were driving to a place where we could see the Selkirk peaks.  

Our excuse for no photos of the year's first fawn:  darkness down 40-acre road.  

We had turned on to Center Valley Road on our return home, and soon Bill pulled to a stop and backed up, mentioning that he might have seen something.

Sure enough, Mom and her brand-spanking new wobbly baby were slowly making their way down the road.  So, we just watched and drove on.

We went to Caribou Creek because Bill thinks he'd like to fish it this year.  It's not that accessible unless a person wants to walk on game trails, which we did after parking the pickup at one of the many gates up in that drainage. 

Along the way, I enjoyed snapping lots of photo treats, including the pretty squirrel which would climb up the tree and then circle around to see if I was still standing there. 

We did make it down to the creek, but walking along it was challenging at best.  As Bill says, this is one of those creeks where you just wade your way through the water. 

The trip to Caribou Creek served another purpose.  We escaped from our hot house and enjoyed a nice stroll amidst the Selkirk mountain beauty and in cooler air. 

And, I finally captured that top shot along HWY 95 where so many people put in their vessels to float down the Pack River.  

I have driven past that mural so many times and wished I could get a picture.  Being in the passenger seat last night finally gave me the opportunity. 

Twas a nice evening outing.  

Happy Wednesday. 

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