Friday, June 12, 2015

Company's Comin'

No photos today and there's the possibility of spotty postings over the weekend. So, be warned if the posts don't show up at their usual time.  

Do check in, though.  One never knows.   

Company's comin'.  So, it might be a little hectic for me to stay on top of everything with any hint of precision. 

The company staying with the extended Love family arrives in three segments today, and I know my sister-in-law Mary will also be in town.  She's staying with the "outlaws," her brother Jim and his wife Rose Marie. 

I've heard that bunch will be enjoying their usual Friday-night treat at the Klondyke in Laclede. 

Meanwhile, Bill's sister Margaret plans to roll into town by early afternoon on her road trip from Sacramento, which included an overnight stop in Bend, Ore. 

She'll be staying with the "Young Love's" and the grandpuppies.

I haven't heard an ETA for my friend Mow aka Jean from Palm Springs.  I do know that she's in Spokane where she stayed overnight with her friend Marie. 

Marie was nice enough to offer to drive Mow to Sandpoint, so we'll be seeing her sometime today.

Later this evening our world traveler, Miss Annie Love, will arrive at Spokane Airport, pick up a rental car and hopefully meet us toward the end of our usual Friday night dinner. 

I'll just let you guess (based on any knowledge you have of Annie) where that will be.

It should be a festive weekend with a lot of good visiting, food (Ivano's lasagna, for example) and maybe even some pictures.  

~~~~~On another note, I suggested to Bill that we might need to schedule a road trip with our company over the weekend to Troy, Mont., to see if a bunch of  satellite trucks show up.

For some reason, we think the IGA fried chicken in Troy may be in demand cuz I'm predicting the national media will descend upon Troy to learn more about the background of Spokane's NAACP director and Troy native Rachel Dolezal.

Sad for Rachel and her family, but from a journalistic standpoint, this is a story any hard-nosed, investigative journalist would die for to have as an assignment.  

The doubts about Rachel have arisen for a number of reasons, and we've all been privy to news accounts about her role as NAACP leader and problems she has encountered over the years.

The story dramatically intensified when some reporter contacted the parents in Troy and learned that the woman who has so cleverly presented herself as Black to so many entities and in the public spotlight  and also complained about being the victim of racial hate crimes is really white.

In short, the story leaps from curiously compelling for the local audience to huge, not only regionally but nationally. 

Now, an even bigger question to be answered:  WHY?

Putting the pieces to the puzzle together on this one will be intriguing and will, no doubt, have significant ramifications in the national discussion on race.

So, I'm predicting those folks who do the cooking at the IGA in Troy had better beef up their fried chicken offerings cuz, just like here at the Lovestead, there's probably company coming to Troy, Montana, and they're gonna want something to eat. 

Happy Friday. 

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