Monday, June 15, 2015

Outlaws, Horses, Weekend Wraps

Among the activities of our family weekend was a trip to my sisters' farm to see Kevin and Barbara's new filly, Chrome.  

In addition, Patchy occupied the stage as Mary and Sig of the Thompson family "outlaws," along with Jean and Margaret (Lovesteaders) enjoyed some horse talk and schmoozing with soft noses. 

Horses are always a staple of any visit to Tibbs Arabians, and they didn't disappoint yesterday. 

We also enjoyed a gathering at Pack River General Store to sample the wonderful brunch offerings.  Willie left us right after brunch, headed off to Missoula for a girls basketball camp at the University of Montana.

Later, Annie and Debbie enjoyed a refreshing swim in Pack River at the Colburn Culver Bridge. Some of us relaxed at the Lovestead. 

Then, just before Annie took off for the airport (after her second flight postponement for the day), we all chowed down on leftovers.

Debbie and my sisters took the last of the greenhouse items, including 'maters and geraniums, for their deck and yard gardens. 

Our last "turist" item of the day involved Mow, Margaret and me as Bill's passengers for an evening drive up the newly-graded Grouse Creek Road.  A fish story or two was told.

I'm writing early again this morning as soon Bill and Margaret will take off for a Hiawatha Trail bike trip.  Meanwhile, I'll be taking Mow aka Jean to the airport today and then returning to see a student I haven't seen in about 15 years.

I've heard from him, though, on several occasions----May Day and beautiful bouquets. Mercury aka Jeff Gustaveson and his wife Danielle will be in town from Georgia.  So, I'm really looking forward to a good reunion.

Fun never ends, and it's been flying by at a pretty fast pace over the past few days. 

Life is good.  Happy Monday.  Enjoy Annie's beautiful Instagram photos of the Pack River Swimming hole area below. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
