Monday, June 08, 2015

Weekend Wonderfuls . . . .

Hard to sum up the past couple of days, but I'd say on the grand scale of things, most of it, 'cept the heat, was pretty wonderful.  We watched history on the TV, I strolled around the yard several times admiring new features among the flowers.  

I did the same at our friend Maryann's house a few miles north of here on Saturday night when she invited us to dinner.  The overall objective there was for Bill to meet Shiraz and Sigrid, her in-laws from Ephrata.

The commonalities that Maryann predicted when she invited us played out around the dinner table and out among her beautiful flowers (the top columbine, for example). 

Shiraz and Bill are both Eagle Scouts who have attended Jamborees at Farragut.  Their careers have taken a few similar roads, and they fly fish.  What more is needed to spark some good conversation!  

Shiraz and Sigrid attended the University of Idaho during my last years on campus, and Sigrid worked a career as a teacher.  

Add to that the fact that they know some of my cousins from Ephrata.  In short, it was a wonderful evening with plenty of gab and more to do in the future. 

Shiraz also gave me some lavender starts, which I transplanted yesterday around the yard.  

While we were doing our visiting at Maryann's, my sisters were over in Montana, visiting my brother Kevin and his wife Joyce and preparing for all to go to Ronan yesterday to pick up a horse.  Kevin and Joyce came back to Sandpoint with Barbara, Laurie and "Chrome."  She has four white stockings and a strip.

She has been a pasture filly and will soon be polished up.  Even now, though, without a lot of spit shining, she's mighty pretty and loaded with presence. 

Speaking of pretty horses, I threw in another Triple Crown photo, which I really like.  

Yesterday----no pictures to show for it----Willie and Bill took off for the Coeur d'Alene River and a little fishing.  I was not surprised when Bill said they rolled in after 11 p.m. last night.  In addition to fish, they saw moose and babies and elk and babies.  

After watering the garden for the second time yesterday, I took my camera and drove up the Trail Creek Road near Naples.  Not one car, no wildlife----but I did see a lot of pretty country and enjoyed some nice views of the Selkirks.  Plus, the air conditioning was nice.

Upon my return, I watered a third time.  When in June do we usually even have to water, let alone three times in one day.  My cucumbers have especially appreciated my attention to quenching their thirst. 

Meanwhile, over in Europe, Annie left Germany and drove back to Amsterdam.  Soon, she'll fly from Amsterdam back to Rome.  And, tomorrow, she'll take the long journey back to Seattle.

This weekend, she'll fly again----much shorter to Spokane and spend a while with us.  I have her Totinos pizzas and diet Pepsi ready so no time will be wasted going to the store during her very short visit. 

Others are coming too, and this will be a busy, hot week, so I'd better get at it.  Enjoy the photos. 

My sisters gave me this rose bush for my birthday about 12-13 years ago.  It moved with us from Great Northern Road, and it has thrived in Selle, especially this year-----a great year for roses. 

Visiting at Maryann's.  I loved where I was sitting because I could look up and see one of Mother's paintings.  

I love the expressions of the proud new owners of Miss Chrome:  Kevin and Barbara. 

The Selkirks from Trail Creek Road near Naples. 

One of Maryann's roses.

So phenomenal!

The heat is bringing on an abundance of beautiful nasturtium blooms. 

Taken a few hours ago in Amsterdam.  Yesterday, Annie took a cruise down Rhein River in Germany. 

Lots of pretty aspects to this filly. 

Everyone joined in on our stroll around Maryann's yard to admire her flowers. 

Montana-bred horses get acquainted in an Idaho stable:  Chrome and Dusty both came from Ravenwood Arabian Ranch in Ronan.  

A rose among the foxgloves at Maryann's.

Willie and Debbie gave me this basket for Mother's Day.  I had to tell Bill that I'd moved his new grill a few feet down the deck after noting that the back side of the petunias looked a little over-cooked. 

When we moved to the Lovestead in July, 2006, this rose bush was just starting its seasonal blooms.  This year it's well on its way in early June. 

Peonies among the potentilla translates into "pretty."

They're weeds, I know, but up in the mountains, who cares!

Taken about an hour ago, Annie found her symbol in Amsterdam. 

That's all, folks.  Have a wonderful Monday. 

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