Friday, February 05, 2016

Sights on A Snowy Walk

A few inches of new snow yesterday morning dressed up the countryside.  The overnight deposit required some plowing, blowing and shoveling but not too much extra work. With the new normal here at the Lovestead, Bill enjoyed having the time to plow.  

The overnight drop just made things pretty, and best of all, it started melting by afternoon. 

I took advantage of an opportunity to walk through our woods and fields and then on down the road to the Johnson's home (that would be Janice and Mark) for a pleasant
neighborly visit.  

Two wagon wheels in their beautiful yard created lovely images with the fresh coating of snow. 

With luck, we won't have a lot more snow, and it's looking like we may see a major melt-off in the next few days.  That will take us to the point where my sisters and I will take off for a few days in the sun. 

Having Bill home to take care of pets and the Lovestead and one of our brothers coming over to watch after Barbara and Laurie's animals will allow us to head off and enjoy the moments without worry.

This retirement stuff definitely has its benefits.  

The weekend ahead looks like an action-packed one sports-wise.  We'll attend the SHS girls' basketball game tomorrow afternoon and then come home for the late ZAGS game with Pepperdine.   

And, of course, Sunday Super Bowl will provide a full day of entertainment.  In keeping with tradition, the men among the two Love couples will take major responsibility with the menu.  Bill and Willie usually come up with some pretty tasty offerings. 

We don't have any favorites to win the Super Bowl this time.  I think it would be nice for Peyton Manning and the region if the Broncos win, but from what I've seen of the Panthers, they are phenomenal.  

It will be nice to watch a game and all its trappings with a neutral view and just appreciate the talent on the field. 

February moves along, and, thanks to all the good times  and fun projects (I'll start putting seeds in the pots after next weekend) ahead, we're quickly coming out of the winter doldrums. 

Happy Friday. 

1 comment:

Roxzene said...

Beautiful pictures