Saturday, April 22, 2017

Saturday Slightly Bright and Beautiful

After my wanderings and visits yesterday, I'm guessing a lot of real estate could go on the market around here----especially with yet another week of rain in the upcoming forecast.

Folks around here---be they life longers or newbies----have had enough.  I listened to a variety of rants yesterday, fully empathizing with each perspective.

I did look further ahead on the forecast, and, at least for now, there's potential for a nice week the second week of May.  How far off is that for folks who can remember precisely and unhappily when this all started last October?

Well, last night the weather folks on TV touted the fact that we have back-to-back dry days---yesterday and today.  

Yesterday afternoon turned out to be pleasant and beautiful, and this morning's not starting off so bad, 'cept that we can expect a lot of clouds with the warm day (60-65 degrees). 

The problem with all this moisture is that the ground never has a chance to dry out, and right now grass is growing AND people want to do something besides rolling up pant legs and tiptoeing through the high spots outside. 

We have no choice, however, than to make the most of it. I must say that the daffodils around the Lovestead have finally defied the weather gods by opening themselves up to the world, and they are pretty. 

The beat goes on in the nature department.  While slogging through the hay field yesterday and plotting my way through high ground, I approached a giant ponderosa pine, the only tree in the field.

Suddenly, a robust flutter startled me from my concentration.  I looked up in time to see a mallard mom take off and fly away.  Aware that she probably had a good reason to be in that unducklike spot, all by herself, I stepped closer and saw the eggs protecting her babies until it's their time to greet the world. 

I stayed only long enough to snap a quick photo and hoped that Mama would be back soon. 

The nice weather allowed me the opportunity to clean and tidy up our outdoor dog kennel, which pretty much functions as a storage space and a place for Festus to hang out in the dog house whenever he feels the urge.

That area looks a lot better, but we still have to wait to do much with the soggy lawn. Those garden planters I bought last year are, at least, ready for occupancy.  So, I put out some more lettuce.  

Plants from the house are gradually going to the greenhouse, now that I have the place heated and lit and fortified with loaded mousetraps. 

So, we're putzing at a rather slow pace but making progress. 

And, I'll call it good for this morning because there are only so many hours in a dry day in North Idaho, and we need to make them count.

Happy Saturday.  Enjoy some positive aspects of our Earth today---and every day. 

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