Monday, May 22, 2017

Sunny, Productive Day in Selle

The Gold 'n Grouse 4-H Club Facebook page announced that cemetery clean-up would be happening yesterday at 1 p.m.  

From what I heard while visiting with some veterans participating in the event, the 4-H club has been helping prepare the Pack River Cemetery on the corner of Selle and Colburn-Culver Roads for about 32 years. 

When I arrived yesterday, parking was limited and the cemetery was crawling with young and old volunteers with their rakes, their tarps to transport pine needles,  their weed eaters and their pruning tools. 

It turned out that I did not take as many photos as planned.  That's cuz I got distracted and often with more than enough visiting.  After all, many of the folks there I'd known most of my life or, in the case of the youngsters, most of theirs. 

The generations were evident not only with names of permanent residents but also with their layers of descendants who come to visit and show their respect.  

In yesterday's case, the atmosphere was less solemn and more convivial as the work got done in the midst of visiting.

In my case, more visiting occurred than picture taking, ESPECIALLY because three of my SHS Class of 1965 classmates were there.  I swore I hadn't seen Phil Bloom in 50 years, but he reminded me that he had attended two reunions. 

Phil, who lives in Moses Lake, was there with his wife Diana (Green) who grew up next to the Selle Grange and his twin sister Phyllis.  Later, I spotted classmate Gayla Archer Bristow, snipping some stems off from a bush, and I visited briefly with the lady who taught us some geometry, Eva Whitehead, who serves on the cemetery board. 

Of course, when the Gold n' Grouse group participates in most any event, we can count on seeing three or four generations of Woods and McNall family members and that is always fun for me.  

When the work was completed, volunteers lined up behind a pickup where the cookies and soft drinks were ready for consumption.  Kids sat in circles around graves while several adults admired some of the personal touches around graves of friends and family. 

Hats off to all who participated yesterday and who continue to do so every year for this very worthwhile and meaningful project.  Pack River Cemetery will be ready and dressed up for more visitors this coming weekend.  

I threw in a few photos of Bill playing Chuck-it with the dogs.  Early evening light cast some lovely images as the dogs raced around the lawn chasing those balls. 

While Bill and the dogs were playing, I spent some time observing a clump of perennials in the front yard, just buzzing with representatives from the summer visitors down the road.  
Beehives arrived at their summer residence in Taylor's field yesterday morning, and many of the occupants wasted no time flying around the neighborhood in search of nectar.

Yesterday, with its glorious sunshine and warmth, definitely created an atmosphere where honey bees and humans could all be characterized in the same fashion:  busy as bees. 

Today and very soon, John Fuller will be here to shoe Lefty and Lily.  That means one more rite of spring and summer can begin.  When the work is done and the temperature is right, I can saddle up and enjoy the countryside while riding my horses. 

Life is good.  Happy Monday.   

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