Monday, May 15, 2017

Tractor Talk in Selle

This gateway scene at the Johnson farm on West Shingle Mill Road in Selle seems to say it all for a nostalgic North Idaho Saturday in May.  

I love my annual visits with the folks from the Panhandle Antique Tractor Club.  This year was no exception, and it was kinda extra special since the group paraded past our house. 

On a rather brisk Saturday, I met them coming and going both early in the day and later over on Shingle Mill Road where they stopped for lunch at the Keith Johnson place. 

Each encounter provided some prime opportunities to do a little catching up with folks I hadn't seen for a while and even meet and visit with some new friends.  That's how these tractor days go.  

Beautifully restored and impeccably maintained older tractors of various vintages and brands show up along with their proud owners and additional fans. The coffee pot is on, and talk ensues before the big project of the day begins.

In this year's case, it was a parade beginning and ending at the Northside Baptist Fellowship Church parking lot, covering several miles and putzing over several roads in the Selle Valley.  

Saturday's rain held off pretty much as those tractors rolled down route after route, taking the eye of anyone who wanted to watch. 

Because of the territory covered in this year's event, a mobil honey bucket followed the troops wherever they went----'cept for the moment when it fell off its wagon onto the road, causing the innards to splash all over and a toilet paper roll to unwind part way down a road. 

At least, that was what I was told by Kevin, the honey bucket tower-in-chief.  He also was pretty sure the portable had not received any usage before the parade.  I'll take him at his word.

The last time I saw the group they were finishing off their lunch on West Shingle Mill and getting ready to fire up their beloveds for the last leg of the trip. 

As usual, I took lots of photos and many good memories of the nice folks associated with this annual event. 

Yesterday, while taking a Mother's Day walk down our dirt road, I saw Jack Filipowski who was returning home with his giant John Deere and fertilizer spreader.  He said the fields are pretty soft and that he spread fertilizer wherever possible. 

During our conversation, he also asked me about my camera.  So, I let him use it as I proudly leaned against the front of his giant green and yellow beauty.  

Whether new or old, tractors, in my mind, are always special and maybe even sexy.  And, the people associated with them are the salt of the earth (even if it's soggy). 

Great weekend to live here in the Selle Valley.  Good job, Tractor Club. See ya next year.

Happy Monday.  

A lot of tractor talk going on here. 

Two kinds of patriotism:  USA and ZAGS!

That's Roley of Western Pleasure with his beauty. 

Longtime friend Sue Bristol and her son Bobby.  Hubby/Dad drove a John Deere in Saturday's parade. 

Some of the views for the tractor drivers were breath-taking this weekend. 

                                                                                                     --Jack Filipowski Photo

1 comment:

Joy "Clark" Mott said...

thanks so much for sharing. Great Pic's of some Awesome people. :) Glad it was such a great day for all to enjoy.