Sunday, July 23, 2017

Halfway through the 4-H Horse Show

Terra's older sister Boston and her project horse. 

Since the sisters do not have horses of their own----just yet anyway---neighbor horses have filled the bill for each as they have been working in their first year with horses.

Both have done very well in past years with their goat projects which they'll be showing at the Bonner County Fair.

Plus, Boston (13) is  a rural entrepreneur, founding and actively involved in her own business  along Selle Road called "BB's Chicks."

The big test for showmanship:  here Terra and another 4-H'er from the neighborhood do their best to show their horses for the judge.  

Showmanship is judged on overall appearance of horse and handler and how the handler works through specific tests.

At just about any horse show, there's a lot of "hurry up and wait" time, so Terra spent a lot of time yesterday morning keeping herself and Lefty from being too bored by walking and lunging.

It was a nice start for Terra at yesterday's first day of the annual 4-H horse show.  She earned a top blue ribbon and competed in the championship for intermediate showmen.

Today she'll ride Lefty in walk-trot, and we're all once again hoping for the best. 

Congratulations, Terra and Lefty.

And, Happy Sunday to all. 

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